I have the tickets to seats #1, #2, #3 and #4. >:-D
Seat #1 is one of two seats geometrically closest to the organ console.
(The other one is obviously the mirror image on the other side.)
However, seat #1 is on the side from which the organist enters and leaves.
Not that I've been planning this or anything like that. Or like I bought
the tickets in February of last year. ;-)
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On 13/06/2010 1:54 PM, Orchid XP v8 wrote:
> http://www.royalalberthall.com/tickets/grand-organ-gala/default.aspx
> I have the tickets to seats #1, #2, #3 and #4. >:-D
> Seat #1 is one of two seats geometrically closest to the organ console.
> (The other one is obviously the mirror image on the other side.)
> However, seat #1 is on the side from which the organist enters and leaves.
> Not that I've been planning this or anything like that. Or like I bought
> the tickets in February of last year. ;-)
Great programme. :-)
Best Regards,
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