Anyone ever play with EyeOS or AstraNOS?
Bit of a rant... lol The first one seems to "sort of" still be active,
the later a dead project. One of the recent tricks added to Second Life,
in the 2.0 client is support for "media on prim", this means HTML5, and
anything else that doesn't require plugins (flash being one of the more
annoyingly common, buggy, defective, memory leaky, and used for video
everyplace one..). I have already tested and EyeOS, the non-flash bits,
work with it. But.. My "host" for me web page is Yahoo, and they
apparently haven't got the message that PHP5 is faster, and has useful
features, and are still running 4.3.something... Can't install "either"
of the EyeOS ones, and Astra seems to use a lot of Javascript to do its
stuff, instead of PHP, instead.
Frustrates the hell out of me. :( We have like 7 factions in the main RP
city, plus probably 3-4 **per** sim outside, including police
departments, for a total of close to 20 sims. That is like close to 90
different groups, all of which *might* have legitimate reasons to have
web pages, computer logins, databases, etc. And I can't even "test" the
damn virtual OS on the only server I have I can install it on, never
mind modify it to take the key for the object loading the page, and show
the login for the right faction...
Ah well.. Probably going to be months before the feature gets
"official", and finds its way into third party clients, so even if I
could redo them to work the way I would like, which includes a way to
"hack into" the contents (non-desctructively), for faction conflicts, I
have plenty of time to read the PHP/SQL and CSS books I just got, and
try to build one of my own. Man is that going to be a pain in the ass... lol
void main () {
if version = "Vista" {
call slow_by_half();
call DRM_everything();
call functional_code();
call crash_windows();
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