Apparently two concepts have lodged in Andy's tiny brain this last week:
1. The Bible is too librul!
2. The way to fix it is to paraphrase and edit the **worst** and **least
accurate** version if it, the KJV, instead of even bothering to go for
something like the NIV (which was later redacted, due to the "correct"
translations being too contradictory.. lol). Oh, and why bother actually
learning Greek, or Hebrew, or Coptic? English was good enough for Jesus,
its good enough for Andy!
Some gems...
Isaiah 7 is almost always mistranslated as "virgin", when the word used
is "young woman". He suggests using "bimbo" instead, in the later Mark
6:28, where its also used.
Oh, and one bit, known to have been added a "lot" later, and which isn't
even in the oldest ones, includes this:
"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word,
and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that
bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and
these three agree in one."
He suggests that a lot of that was "added later, by liberal
translators", you know, as apposed to, "added later in its entirety",
and the correct version should be:
"For there are three that bear record, the Spirit, and the water, and
the blood: and these three agree in one."
As one poster put it, "The Bible is 100% true, and Andrew is going to
make sure of that, by removing all the stuff in it that isn't." lol Man
that site is good for a laugh, but.. either the entire Schlafly family
is either clinically insane, along with people that take them seriously,
or they are the most successful Poe's in the history of religious and
conservative mockery.
void main () {
if version = "Vista" {
call slow_by_half();
call DRM_everything();
call functional_code();
call crash_windows();
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