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... or if you don't want to waste many hours of your life staring at the
monitor, then stay away from them. :)
Anyways, you might find these amusing:
- http://failblog.org/
Ok, probably everyone knows failblog. But if you don't, check it out.
Funny humorous failures in good taste (well, mostly at least), in the form
of photos and videos.
- http://photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com/
Sometimes even pros have bad days. What I wonder is how these get
- http://probablybadnews.com/
Unintentionally funny headlines and other blunders in newspapers and
related media. Some of them are quite hilarious.
- http://thereifixedit.com/
Sometimes people's ingenuity goes beyond reasonable...
- http://lovelylisting.com/
Real estate salesmen will try to sell you anything...
- http://itemnotasdescribed.com/
"Hmm, I have this garbage I have to get rid of, but I am too lazy to
do so. What to do? What to do? Hey, I know! I'll put an ad in craigslist
for someone to take it for free."
Or as the site puts it, "one man's garbage is another man's garbage".
- Warp
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Warp schrieb:
> ... or if you don't want to waste many hours of your life staring at the
> monitor, then stay away from them. :)
Darn. I can't say you didn't warn me...
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Warp schrieb:
> ... or if you don't want to waste many hours of your life staring at the
> monitor, then stay away from them. :)
> Anyways, you might find these amusing:
> - http://failblog.org/
I like this one...
... note how, in the end, the robber still "got a kick out of this"...
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Warp wrote:
> Sometimes even pros have bad days. What I wonder is how these get
> published...
In the publishing world, there really are deadlines. If you don't have the
art in by the time the magazine prints, it's not getting printed. :-)
That said, I imagine a few of these at least were rejected and only made it
to the net after the real ones were published.
Good list, tho. Thanks!
Darren New, San Diego CA, USA (PST)
I ordered stamps from Zazzle that read "Place Stamp Here".
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Warp wrote:
> - http://failblog.org/
Features some pretty geniune failure, really.
Like the can of insectacide covered in insects. Or, my personal
favourit, the huge scrolling billboard saying "Windows did not shut down
correctly"... (I've actually been in the London Underground and found
that every single one of their TV advert boards had the Windows 95 BSoD.
Which is doubly worrying, really...)
> - http://photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com/
Most of these you can't actually tell what's supposed to be wrong. But
the few where you can tell... heh, I'm loving the guy with 13 fingers!
> - http://probablybadnews.com/
"What to do with extra frozen embrios? Want a low-calary frozen snack?"
Oooo dear God...
> - http://thereifixedit.com/
> Sometimes people's ingenuity goes beyond reasonable...
OK, that's just frightening! o_O
> - http://itemnotasdescribed.com/
"Up for sale is a used coffin. It is in very good condition with no
dents. There is some surface rust and it will need new hinges. There is
no interior as well. Cash only, no trades. Will not hold for anyone. The
first person to come with cash gets it. The uses for this are unlimited
such as, put in the back of your pick up and drive it around, make a
dining room table, phone booth, neat motorcycle trailer and the list
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A few others I find amusing, too...
Zero Punctuation - very funny video game reviews.
Surprisingly, every game he liked that I played, I liked also,
and the ones he panned, I panned for the same reasons.
Just my kind of nasty humor, methinks:
Darren New, San Diego CA, USA (PST)
I ordered stamps from Zazzle that read "Place Stamp Here".
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Orchid XP v8 <voi### [at] devnull> wrote:
> > - http://probablybadnews.com/
> "What to do with extra frozen embrios? Want a low-calary frozen snack?"
> Oooo dear God...
Personally I love this unintentionally funny header: "Chick Accuses Some
of Her Male Colleagues of Sexism"
- Warp
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Darren New wrote:
> Just my kind of nasty humor, methinks:
> http://myfirstdictionary.blogspot.com/
GAH, hush puppies...
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Darren New wrote:
> Zero Punctuation - very funny video game reviews.
> http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation
This makes my brain spazz out. How does he talk so fast? For that
matter, how does he think this stuff up so fast? (I'm presuming he
writes it before hand, coz... *damn*, nobody thinks this fast, surely...)
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Orchid XP v8 wrote:
> This makes my brain spazz out. How does he talk so fast?
That's his "thing." It *is* called "Zero Punctuation".
> matter, how does he think this stuff up so fast? (I'm presuming he
> writes it before hand, coz... *damn*, nobody thinks this fast, surely...)
Of course. In one of the videos it even has a shot of the script somewhere.
"I started out posting videos on youtube, which is kind of like throwing
messages in bottles into a sea made entirely of messages in bottles. But
sometimes someone comes along in a boat made out of money and offers to let
you ride in his boat made out of money as long as you keep throwing messages
in bottles overboard."
Darren New, San Diego CA, USA (PST)
I ordered stamps from Zazzle that read "Place Stamp Here".
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