So the other day, I took my fractal calendar[*] apart and glued the
pages to my filing cabinet. I actually didn't think anybody would
notice, but several people walking past have actually stopped
specifically to look at it and ask me amount it. (Their reactions range
from "hey, that's really nice" to "um, why?")
[*] http://tinyurl.com/m5mfw3
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Good for you! For all their popularity the beauty of fractals doesn't
seem to greatly appreciated.
I don't understand why.
Invisible wrote:
> So the other day, I took my fractal calendar[*] apart and glued the
> pages to my filing cabinet. I actually didn't think anybody would
> notice, but several people walking past have actually stopped
> specifically to look at it and ask me amount it. (Their reactions range
> from "hey, that's really nice" to "um, why?")
> [*] http://tinyurl.com/m5mfw3
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