Shakespear: Name your best price.
Ferdey: For 2,000 volts?
Shakespear: 2,000 volts, premium grade-A.
Ferdey: Yeah, but... It's difficult to shift, innit? Difficult to store,
if I get any of the inspectors sniffing around here... Tell you what, as
I'm in a good mood, 150.
Shakespear: Gentleman, pack up the merchandise, load it back onto the ship-
Ferdey: Hold on, wait a minute, 160, one-six-oh.
Shakespear: Since I'm feeling generous, I'll settle for 200.
Ferdey: 200? OK. You're 'avin a laugh. Has he been stickin' his head in
that stuff? Been spending a bit too much time up where the air's thin?
Woo-woo. Heheh.
Shapespear: You're being very rude.
Ferdey: Not any more.
Shakespear: 200.
Ferdey: 170.
Shakespear: 200.
Ferdey: That's not negotiation. I'm changing my number!
Shakespear: Did I hear 200?
Ferdey: Yeah, from you ya did.
Shakespear: You said 200.
Ferdey: If I did you're a blumin' ventriliquist.
Shakespare: 200.
Ferdey: OK, 195, final offer.
Shakespear: 195, deal. So let's see, plus sales tax that's about, 200.
Ferdey: Yeah, great, put it in the back...
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On 07/09/09 10:30, Invisible wrote:
> Shakespear: Name your best price.
> Ferdey: For 2,000 volts?
> Shakespear: 2,000 volts, premium grade-A.
Someone's been watching Stardust?
Hangover: The wrath of grapes.
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