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  Mac, Bash and Automator (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Tim Nikias
Subject: Mac, Bash and Automator
Date: 10 Jul 2008 09:27:32
Message: <48760e44$1@news.povray.org>
Hello all!

I've been working on updating my Website with a complete Design-Rehaul 
and have been re-rendering my images in the process. Which led me to 
find most of my files unrenderable without some bug-fixing and setting 
proper parameters in the scene again.

Anyways, I was wondering if I could use MacOSx Automator to "enhance" my 
Finder with a workflow which would call povray to render a selected file 
with some standard rendering parameters, however, Automator tells me it 
can't find the command "povray". I've set the Path to it in my terminal, 
but that one seems to use /bin/usr/login, which the Automator doesn't 
provide, the closest I get is /bin/bash - and I'm guessing that setting 
the PATH-variable for "my" terminal isn't the same as for the "usual" 

As you can see, I'm not a fully functional Unix/Mac-Type User yet...

Anyways, has any fellow Mac-User got an idea how I could achieve what I 
want? BTW, I'm on Leopard, AFAIK that makes a difference for Automator, 
as it got rehaul from Tiger to Leopard.


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