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  33rd anniversary of .... (Message 15 to 24 of 24)  
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From: Patrick Elliott
Subject: Re: 33rd anniversary of ....
Date: 10 Apr 2008 01:22:48
Message: <MPG.22674f1418600f3298a142@news.povray.org>
In article <47fc18a3$1@news.povray.org>, dne### [at] sanrrcom says...
> Patrick Elliott wrote:
> > Umm. Actually, I was referring to Windows there,
> I was too. I guess you never actually used DOS or something.
I have. Yes, things could crash in it, and in later years changes to 
sound cards (like ones where the firmware needed to be hotloaded to the 
card, so took up a bigger chunk of memory), it got to the point of being 
damn annoying to work with. In some ways it was still easier to deal 
with. lol

> > True enough. One wonders why most of that stuff
> What "stuff"??
I gave you an example. IE's object support. I have read lots of 
documents, books, etc. on the subject and it *should* take about 10 
lines of code to do it, if you use raw C++ without anything but the COM 
libraries, but half the other libraries, which make coding applications 
easier, put steel doors and brick walls in between you and the code to 
do it, nor, unless some of the code they leaked a while back involving 
IE included the code for this, is there clear documentation of how the 
hell you actual use it. Its buried, deep in the bowels of the libraries, 
such that it automates so much stuff "for you" that you can't do a damn 
thing with it. .NET's solution wasn't BTW to give you access to the 
original core either. In that you "cast" events, i.e., redirect the ones 
your own application can't handle to a function that *maybe* can, if you 
know how to code it right. Only one problem, you still need to know how 
to figure out where the event came from, and thus what to do with it, 
and its *still* easier to do that at compile time than at run time, so 
you *still* can't replicate the object support in IE simply.

And all for what reason? Because they don't want to provide a system 
call in any library that would support binding event connection points 
to event sinks, unless the compiler did it for you. Argh!!!

> > "while" playing the games that need that sound?
> Don't even *start* talking about sound being poorly supported on Windows
> until you've made sound work on Unix.
Oh, give me a break. Sure, there may be issues, especially with newer 
cards, but we are talking about basically throwing out *years* of 
working hardware, in trade for something that won't even support, 
without the help of someone that doesn't even *work for* Microsoft, or 
the card manufacturers, *any* sound, since the library replacing the 
original system doesn't provide legacy support for functions and methods 
that have been standard in drivers for, well, since fracking DOS, when 
they first started writing device drivers, instead of just letting the 
software talk to the sound card. This isn't a case of, "well, they made 
some changes to the driver design, so old drivers won't work." Its a 
case of, "We don't want you to even use any of the cards you ever 
bought, except as a sort of more powerful version of the speaker clicks 
used in the Tandy."

There is a huge difference. As huge a difference as when the day they 
created the first Soundblaster card and people where "asked" to use it, 
because it produced better sound. That isn't even the excuse this time. 
There is no real evidence the new design *can* produce better results, 
and they are trying to force it as a "requirement" for new games, not an 
optional one for if the designer thinks it would work better.

> > would have to sell a kidney to be able to make changes to a product 
> > written in something that they don't freely support. 
> So, by "hard to support", you mean "commercial."  Come on, it's not 
> *that* expensive.
> > Yeah, yeah, I know the reason. It doesn't help my mood when I look at
> > the price tag. lol
> Well, why are you even supporting Windows, then? It's a commercial 
> product. If you want to work on stuff for free, there are excellent 
> alternatives available.
Going to cover both of these at one time, since your contention makes no 
damn sense. They are "phasing out" all prior libraries, and giving away 
the compiler for the "new" one, .NET for free. The only thing they are 
"asking" you to pay for is basically some better IDE features, their 
help library, which is online for free anyway, and *legacy* library 
support. So, my objection is the assumption that I would want to pay 
them 2-3 times what I already paid for the OS, to get a bunch of stuff I 
don't necessarily need, or can already get from them for free, just so 
that I have the legacy support for some application someone else 
wrote... The complaint isn't that its commercial, the complaint is that 
if all I wanted to do is code for windows, I wouldn't need to buy it 
anyway. Its only the fact that I am trying to fix, or convert, something 
in an older legacy library that make it *necessary* to buy the full 
product in the first place. To me this makes about at much sense as if 
they decided to add support for old 3.1 applications, but then told 
everyone that they had to pay $500 for the addon to do so.

> > Point was, unless its hardware related (and that is a whole new can of
> > worms), *nix isn't likely to have too many of those, even between 
> > different "versions".
> I disagree. Where's /dev/mt?  Do you have /proc under Solaris?
Ok, we can agree to disagree then. I said, "isn't likely", not, "isn't 

> How does this differ from UNIX saying you're not allowed to delete 
> something out of /bin for your own good?
Wasn't aware that there was a huge threat of someone "outside" your 
system deleting /bin, or that simply not letting you delete things that 
are stupid to delete was on the same level as, "I am sorry, but despite 
the fact that it won't have an effect on the OS at all, and the language 
appears to allow it, we won't let you do it anyway, because *we* think 
that you might not know what you are doing, or that you might not be the 
one doing it."

But, what ever.

> > I get a bit annoyed trying to learn how to "not" do dumb things and 
> > having the goon tell me, "Yous sure you wanna do that?", all the time,
> > even when I know that it will work.
> It's asking permission to elevate your privilege. If you're running as 
> administrator, you're already doing something wrong, so complaining that
> you're being annoyed by the warnings is kind of silly, methinks.
No, in the specific case I was trying to do something it had **nothing** 
to do with privilege levels. MS deemed it more likely that some 
*outside* entity would be using the feature to do bad things with your 
computer, without you knowing, so disabled it for *everyone*, regardless 
of if you where Admin, or fracking God. You don't even get a warning. It 
just flat out doesn't work, when the same identical thing on earlier 
patches of XP, earlier versions of Windows, and even *nix "does" work. 
If you didn't read the patch information and know what it was and why 
they did it, you wouldn't have any clue why the program didn't work, 
what Windows was doing to prevent it working, or why the same, or 
virtually the same, code worked on *every other* OS on the planet. That 
is just bloody stupid imho. It doesn't even have the common decency of 
popping up an error dialog that says, "Due to changes in service pack 
blah, program X's attempt to do Y has been disabled."

> >>  > Or an
> >>> admittance that they can't stop the stuff that "requires" that kind o
> >>> security. 
> >> What kind of "stuff" are you talking about?
> >>
> > Umm. People making your machine a zombie. They seemed to figure that no
> > one has a legitimate reason to create certain types of arbitrary 
> > packets, so no one would mind if they limited what zombies could do, 
> > even though it also torpedoed things that used the same principle to 
> > work, and where legitimate products. Heh, its just one I ran into 
> > recently, not a huge issue, but its not the only thing I hear people 
> > griping about with how they did Vista's security model (and also partly
> > XP).
> I expect they actually have a different interface of some sort for 
> creating those alternate packets, and people are griping that it 
> changed, but that's just a guess.
You would be wrong. You just can't do it anymore. They changed it so 
that the packet management in Winsock, or some other key component 
detects that the packet doesn't "look" like its big enough, contains the 
right sort of data, or "something" when using certain protocols, then 
simply doesn't send it, without warning, without an error, and without 
any indication that it didn't work, other than the discovery that the 
application isn't doing anything any more.

> >>> Either way, I didn't like 95/98 because it robbed me of a lot 
> >>> of control I *used to have* over my system. 
> >> Like what?
> >>
> > Mostly trying to fix things if they broke, or changing settings that 
> > even the admin user doesn't necessary have clear access to.
> Sorry. "Admin user" in 95?  Impress me by explaining what you're talking
> about, given that Win95 is a single-user OS.
Sorry, got confused about which OS I was talking about. lol Point being, 
you just couldn't change them *period*.

> > annoying things I tried to adjust in them. (some there cases where you
> > could only change the setting via regedit though).
> And UNIX is better at this, is it? ;-)
At least in *nix you probably can find information on "how" to change 
it. Some of the stuff in 95 where settings you needed to change to make 
even stuff like networking work right, with certain situations, but 
where the "setting" wasn't available from "any" control panel or 
application installed, nor was their a "default" setting in the registry 
for it. I have no clue how people even figure out what half the damn 
settings where that I ended up tweaking to make the OS run better.

> > lol Yeah. Though, at times I wish Sudo existed on Windows. 
> Um, it does. It's called "runas".
Neat. Had no idea that was there. Makes things nicer. Though, I suppose 
if I didn't want to lose my mind trying to use it I might have to 
install the Bash copycat CLI they came up with. Trying to do anything in 
DOS, never mind Windows 'Run', which is basically the same thing, 
without about 500 DOS utilities that a) don't come with the OS anymore, 
or b) never did, but where written by PC-Magazine, was always a 
nightmare. Worst day of my life was when I realized that 4DOS didn't 
work right with 98. lol So much nicer, with a wonderful text file lister 
built in, etc... Sigh.. Never could figure why, even today, Windows 
basic method of dealing with large documents is either to a) send it 
through "type", with "more", b) try and fail to load it (all at once) 
into Edit, or c) try, and previous fail, to load it in notepad... 4DOS's 
built in loaded one "page" at a time and showed it, so that only what 
you "needed" was in memory at any given moment. Loved that command...

> > Frankly, I am 
> > running, and shouldn't be, in a full access user, precisely because I
> > know if I change to a protected one I am going to be spending way too
> > much time arguing with the OS about what I am doing,
> You'd be surprised, actually. I mean, unless you've got really old 
> crappy software.
Might be OK. I have found "some" stuff that oddly insists on only 
installing as single user though, which kind of gets annoying. Right 
now, as a super user, I just move the icon from "my" user to the main 
directory for programs, it maybe asks if I am sure I want to let all 
users get to it, and bam, there is it. Still, I have had some annoyances 
with the My Documents folder, some things *cleaning it up* and deleting 
files it shouldn't, which is why I moved it, and now, some older 
programs (and even newer ones that don't recheck the location when 
accessing files), looking in the "old" location. Had that problem with 
Yahoo! Widgets, which *is* supposed to be XP compatible, but had that 
bug. It *assumed* that once it knew where the files "should be", they 
should always be there. Problem was, when I mover the folder location, I 
"lost" access privileges to the original location for those files, so it 
was trying to aggregate all widgets to some place it didn't have access 
to, and due to a stupid bug, it would delete the file anyway (or maybe 
loaded it, got ready to copy it, deleted the original, then tried to 
save the file to the disallowed location. How ever it was doing it, it 
fowled things up royally.

Bound to happen though, when someone changes your security model and 
half the people writing for it don't think about the fact that the 
folder "can" be moved.
> > the system updates that the OS **incists** you reboot with,
> Never had that happen. The worst I get is the little yellow shield in 
> the corner saying "please let me know when I should install these patches
Yeah. I need to adjust mine back to that. Got annoyed with having that 
show up, when the patch took hours to download. Dialup remember... It 
was easier to "let it" install and do things, than have to deal with it 
when I finally realized it "had" patched. lol

> Go to the control panel, under automatic updates. If you want it to 
> reboot after installing patches, tell it when and on what day of the 
> week in the drop-downs. Otherwise, set it to "download updates but let 
> me pick when to install them."  Or "notify me but dont download them."
What is it with people that use Windows that they tell you where to 
change a setting in the control panel, by referencing it as though its 
an option *in* the main page of the control panel? They do it on 
websites too. The real method is like, "open bing in the control panel 
and select bong, then pick the ding tab.", but all they give you is "Go 
to Ding in the control panel and change these setting." I just don't get 

And don't bother being more specific. I figured out where it was. lol

> > Instead it keeps popping up 
> > ever 5-10 minutes to ask you, "Heh! You done yet. Want to reboot?" No
> > frell you!!
> If you let it get to that point at all, you can stop it by (surprise) 
> stopping the windows update service.
Which I don't really want to do... Now, the damn update service for 
Arcsoft, which came with my camera.. That I disabled, then when it 
wouldn't *stay* disabled I finally deleted the fracking thing. Stupid 
thing would crash if it came up and no internet connection existed for 
it to update over, and you had two options, "disable" or "don't bug me 
for the next 7 days", and, like I said, "disable" didn't seem to work at 
all. Oh, and it was a service, but for some damn reason there was no 
"disable" or "turn off" option in the service manager, unlike with many 
of the others. I hate third party programs that "should" be helpful, but 
only manage to be a severe pain in the ass. Its not like they could 
have, I don't know, had the relevant application check for updates, like 
"most" of the ones I use...

void main () {

    if version = "Vista" {
      call slow_by_half();
      call DRM_everything();
    call functional_code();
    call crash_windows();

<A HREF='http://www.daz3d.com/index.php?refid=16130551'>Get 3D Models,
3D Content, and 3D Software at DAZ3D!</A>

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From: Darren New
Subject: Re: 33rd anniversary of ....
Date: 10 Apr 2008 13:34:50
Message: <47fe4fba$1@news.povray.org>
Patrick Elliott wrote:
>> Don't even *start* talking about sound being poorly supported on Windows 
>> until you've made sound work on Unix.
> Oh, give me a break. Sure, there may be issues, especially with newer 
> cards, 

No. I'm talking about 25 years of UNIX not supporting sound properly. 
How long ago did UNIX start supporting sound when logged in from an X 
terminal? How long ago did UNIX start supporting mixers?

Trust me. I worked at Bellcore in the 90's. UNIX didn't "support" sound 
for long, *long* after Windows did.  And it's still a kludge on Linux.

Yes, Vista fucked up sound, but they did it on purpose.

>> Well, why are you even supporting Windows, then? It's a commercial 
>> product. If you want to work on stuff for free, there are excellent 
>> alternatives available.
> Going to cover both of these at one time, since your contention makes no 
> damn sense. 

I don't see what's nonsensical about it. If you're making a commercial 
product and that's why you need to support Windows, then shell out the 
$100 and recoup it with your first couple of sales. If you're not 
planning to sell the results, why are you complaining that Windows 
development software is expensive? It's a hobby. Use Linux. :-)

> product in the first place. To me this makes about at much sense as if 

Makes sense to me. They don't want you developing to old APIs. The 
longer people use the old stuff, the longer they have to support it. If 
it isn't worth money for you, it's not worth them supporting it.

>> How does this differ from UNIX saying you're not allowed to delete 
>> something out of /bin for your own good?

> Wasn't aware that there was a huge threat of someone "outside" your 
> system deleting /bin, 

You'd be surprised. cf "the Morris worm" for example.

> or that you might not be the one doing it."

That's really the problem, I think. There are way, way more people using 
Windows who don't know what they're doing than there are people using 
UNIX who don't know the difference between "firefox" and "firewall".

> You would be wrong. You just can't do it anymore. They changed it so 
> that the packet management in Winsock, or some other key component 
> detects that the packet doesn't "look" like its big enough, contains the 
> right sort of data, or "something" when using certain protocols, then 
> simply doesn't send it, without warning, without an error, and without 
> any indication that it didn't work, other than the discovery that the 
> application isn't doing anything any more.


> I have no clue how people even figure out what half the damn 
> settings where that I ended up tweaking to make the OS run better.

They either ask someone at Microsoft, or they figure it out the same way 
they find buffer overflows. :-)

> Neat. Had no idea that was there. Makes things nicer. 

Google for "Windows command line" and find a whole bunch of good stuff. 
Also, read the documentation for "find" and "for" in the CLI, which do a 
lot more than you probably know.

Now, if I could find a command line to "eject" a USB device, I'd be 
happy. :-)

> Yeah. I need to adjust mine back to that. Got annoyed with having that 
> show up, when the patch took hours to download. Dialup remember... It 
> was easier to "let it" install and do things, than have to deal with it 
> when I finally realized it "had" patched. lol

No. Set it to download, then inform you. Then you can just turn off the 
machine, and it'll install the patches as it shuts down.

>> Go to the control panel, under automatic updates. If you want it to 
>> reboot after installing patches, tell it when and on what day of the 
>> week in the drop-downs. Otherwise, set it to "download updates but let 
>> me pick when to install them."  Or "notify me but dont download them."
> What is it with people that use Windows that they tell you where to 
> change a setting in the control panel, by referencing it as though its 
> an option *in* the main page of the control panel? They do it on 
> websites too. The real method is like, "open bing in the control panel 
> and select bong, then pick the ding tab.", but all they give you is "Go 
> to Ding in the control panel and change these setting." I just don't get 
> it...
> And don't bother being more specific. I figured out where it was. lol

The icon at the top level of the control panel is called "automatic 
updates". It's a one page panel with three radio buttons. I fail to see 
how my description was confusing?

>>> Instead it keeps popping up 
>>> ever 5-10 minutes to ask you, "Heh! You done yet. Want to reboot?" No 
>>> frell you!!
>> If you let it get to that point at all, you can stop it by (surprise) 
>> stopping the windows update service.
> Which I don't really want to do...

Uh, why not? Note I didn't say disable it. I said stop it. Then it wont 
bug you, until you reboot, which is all it's going to do until you 
reboot anyway.

   Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST)
     "That's pretty. Where's that?"
          "It's the Age of Channelwood."
     "We should go there on vacation some time."

Post a reply to this message

From: Fredrik Eriksson
Subject: Re: 33rd anniversary of ....
Date: 10 Apr 2008 13:59:29
Message: <op.t9epler97bxctx@e6600.bredbandsbolaget.se>
On Thu, 10 Apr 2008 19:34:51 +0200, Darren New <dne### [at] sanrrcom> wrote:
> Now, if I could find a command line to "eject" a USB device, I'd be  
> happy. :-)



Post a reply to this message

From: Darren New
Subject: Re: 33rd anniversary of ....
Date: 10 Apr 2008 17:23:26
Message: <47fe854e$1@news.povray.org>
Fredrik Eriksson wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Apr 2008 19:34:51 +0200, Darren New <dne### [at] sanrrcom> wrote:
>> Now, if I could find a command line to "eject" a USB device, I'd be 
>> happy. :-)
> http://quick.mixnmojo.com/usb-disk-ejector

You wouldn't believe how long I tried to figure out what to google on 
Microsoft's site to find which function will do that. :-)

   Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST)
     "That's pretty. Where's that?"
          "It's the Age of Channelwood."
     "We should go there on vacation some time."

Post a reply to this message

From: Patrick Elliott
Subject: Re: 33rd anniversary of ....
Date: 10 Apr 2008 23:13:50
Message: <MPG.2268851c6d2ec51098a145@news.povray.org>
In article <47fe4fba$1@news.povray.org>, dne### [at] sanrrcom says...
> Patrick Elliott wrote:
> > Yeah. I need to adjust mine back to that. Got annoyed with having that
> > show up, when the patch took hours to download. Dialup remember... It
> > was easier to "let it" install and do things, than have to deal with it
> > when I finally realized it "had" patched. lol
> No. Set it to download, then inform you. Then you can just turn off the
> machine, and it'll install the patches as it shuts down.
You shut off your computer? Didn't know you could do that... lol But 
seriously, mine is always on and up, since I work odd hours, may be 
running things I need to keep going, or even downloading a torrent, 
etc., all of which are a bit hard to do if you turn it off all the time. 
The only time I ever reboot, never mind turn it off, is to 
update/upgrade something, or there is a big storm over the city and 
leaving it on risks frying it.

> >> Go to the control panel, under automatic updates. If you want it to 
> >> reboot after installing patches, tell it when and on what day of the
> >> week in the drop-downs. Otherwise, set it to "download updates but let
> >> me pick when to install them."  Or "notify me but dont download them."
> >>
> > What is it with people that use Windows that they tell you where to 
> > change a setting in the control panel, by referencing it as though its
> > an option *in* the main page of the control panel? They do it on 
> > websites too. The real method is like, "open bing in the control panel
> > and select bong, then pick the ding tab.", but all they give you is "Go
> > to Ding in the control panel and change these setting." I just don't ge
> > it...
> > 
> > And don't bother being more specific. I figured out where it was. lol
> The icon at the top level of the control panel is called "automatic 
> updates". It's a one page panel with three radio buttons. I fail to see
> how my description was confusing?
No it isn't. On mine its "Performance and Maintainence", then "System", 
in which there is a tab which is called "Automatic Updates". Now, if you 
have a link to the "systems" control panel on your desktop, like someone 
that makes changes there a lot might do, then yes, it would be. ;)

This is, of course, one of the fun things about Windows. Nothing is ever 
where you, never mind they, left it. lol

> >>> Instead it keeps popping up 
> >>> ever 5-10 minutes to ask you, "Heh! You done yet. Want to reboot?" No
> >>> frell you!!
> >> If you let it get to that point at all, you can stop it by (surprise)
> >> stopping the windows update service.
> >>
> > Which I don't really want to do...
> Uh, why not? Note I didn't say disable it. I said stop it. Then it wont
> bug you, until you reboot, which is all it's going to do until you 
> reboot anyway.
Well, yeah, that is true. Not something that would have normally 
occurred to me though. Mute point now anyway, its now set back to, 
"Download, but don't install until requested." 

void main () {

    if version = "Vista" {
      call slow_by_half();
      call DRM_everything();
    call functional_code();
    call crash_windows();

<A HREF='http://www.daz3d.com/index.php?refid=16130551'>Get 3D Models,
3D Content, and 3D Software at DAZ3D!</A>

Post a reply to this message

From: Patrick Elliott
Subject: Re: 33rd anniversary of ....
Date: 10 Apr 2008 23:23:01
Message: <MPG.22688749e7aabf6c98a146@news.povray.org>
In article <47fe854e$1@news.povray.org>, dne### [at] sanrrcom says...
> Fredrik Eriksson wrote:
> > On Thu, 10 Apr 2008 19:34:51 +0200, Darren New <dne### [at] sanrrcom> wrote:
> >> Now, if I could find a command line to "eject" a USB device, I'd be 
> >> happy. :-)
> > 
> > http://quick.mixnmojo.com/usb-disk-ejector
> You wouldn't believe how long I tried to figure out what to google on 
> Microsoft's site to find which function will do that. :-)
Know the feeling..

void main () {

    if version = "Vista" {
      call slow_by_half();
      call DRM_everything();
    call functional_code();
    call crash_windows();

<A HREF='http://www.daz3d.com/index.php?refid=16130551'>Get 3D Models,
3D Content, and 3D Software at DAZ3D!</A>

Post a reply to this message

From: Darren New
Subject: Re: 33rd anniversary of ....
Date: 11 Apr 2008 11:44:17
Message: <47ff8751$1@news.povray.org>
Patrick Elliott wrote:
> You shut off your computer? Didn't know you could do that...

Yeah. When I'm not using it.  I'm rather annoyed at how flakey the 
suspend code is on my Media Center.  Never another HP, I'll tell you.

> No it isn't. On mine its "Performance and Maintainence", then "System", 
> in which there is a tab which is called "Automatic Updates".

Huh. What are you running?  Not XP, I assume?

> This is, of course, one of the fun things about Windows. Nothing is ever 
> where you, never mind they, left it. lol

Yep. It takes forever to find all that stuff on each big upgrade.

> Well, yeah, that is true. Not something that would have normally 
> occurred to me though. Mute point now anyway, its now set back to, 
> "Download, but don't install until requested." 

Glad to be of service. :)

   Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST)
     "That's pretty. Where's that?"
          "It's the Age of Channelwood."
     "We should go there on vacation some time."

Post a reply to this message

From: Nicolas Alvarez
Subject: Re: 33rd anniversary of ....
Date: 11 Apr 2008 17:43:49
Message: <47ffdb95@news.povray.org>

>> No it isn't. On mine its "Performance and Maintainence", then 
>> "System", in which there is a tab which is called "Automatic Updates".
> Huh. What are you running?  Not XP, I assume?

XP by default has the Control panel in its stupid "Category mode".

Post a reply to this message

From: Patrick Elliott
Subject: Re: 33rd anniversary of ....
Date: 11 Apr 2008 20:36:55
Message: <MPG.2269b214d1a5ed7998a147@news.povray.org>
In article <47ff8751$1@news.povray.org>, dne### [at] sanrrcom says...
> Patrick Elliott wrote:
> > You shut off your computer? Didn't know you could do that...
> Yeah. When I'm not using it.  I'm rather annoyed at how flakey the 
> suspend code is on my Media Center.  Never another HP, I'll tell you.
> > No it isn't. On mine its "Performance and Maintainence", then "System",
> > in which there is a tab which is called "Automatic Updates".
> Huh. What are you running?  Not XP, I assume?
What Nicolas said. XP Pro, unmodified install, SP2. You either changes 
it, or you bought the machine with it installed, and that had it set up 
the other way. But what you get to start with is a list of "related" 
features, instead of the "everything as an icon in the control panel", 
that existed in 98.

void main () {

    if version = "Vista" {
      call slow_by_half();
      call DRM_everything();
    call functional_code();
    call crash_windows();

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3D Content, and 3D Software at DAZ3D!</A>

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From: Darren New
Subject: Re: 33rd anniversary of ....
Date: 11 Apr 2008 21:23:05
Message: <48000ef9$1@news.povray.org>
Nicolas Alvarez wrote:

>>> No it isn't. On mine its "Performance and Maintainence", then 
>>> "System", in which there is a tab which is called "Automatic Updates".
>> Huh. What are you running?  Not XP, I assume?
> XP by default has the Control panel in its stupid "Category mode".

Oh! Right! I turned that off in about the first 10 seconds, along with 
"hide known extensions." It never occurred to me...

   Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST)
     "That's pretty. Where's that?"
          "It's the Age of Channelwood."
     "We should go there on vacation some time."

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