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  A simple question (Message 61 to 70 of 153)  
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From: scott
Subject: Re: A simple question
Date: 2 Apr 2008 03:13:58
Message: <47f34046$1@news.povray.org>
>> You try talking about Volt amps in a shop and I wish you well :)
> Trying to explain to me how Volt Amps is different from Watts would 
> probably be a bigger challenge. :-P

Read this then ask questions ;-)


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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: A simple question
Date: 2 Apr 2008 03:15:15
Message: <buf6v31n8e3ucl1sprmf3a91v4l6nunkks@4ax.com>
On Wed, 02 Apr 2008 09:05:21 +0100, Invisible <voi### [at] devnull> wrote:

>Stephen wrote:
>> You try talking about Volt amps in a shop and I wish you well :)
>Trying to explain to me how Volt Amps is different from Watts would 
>probably be a bigger challenge. :-P

Volt amps takes into account the phase difference between the volts
and the current. As you know then you pass an ac current through a
capacitor or an inductor there is a phase difference. Volt amps is V *
cos(phase) *A.
Simple, What?


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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: A simple question
Date: 2 Apr 2008 03:16:04
Message: <55g6v3plim4hkejh4a8j3o3s2gv5fjv6n7@4ax.com>
On Wed, 2 Apr 2008 10:05:53 +0200, "scott" <sco### [at] laptopcom> wrote:

>> You try talking about Volt amps in a shop and I wish you well :)
>Hehe no way :-)  It took me until I was at my power electronics course in 
>1st year University before I finally found out why things had power written 
>on them in VA rather than W.  I don't expect the person selling me speakers 
>in a shop to have done an Engineering degree.
To true and why should they :)


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From: scott
Subject: Re: A simple question
Date: 2 Apr 2008 03:22:27
Message: <47f34243$1@news.povray.org>
> To true and why should they :)

A friend of mine worked in a mobile phone shop for a bit.  During their 
training the trainer asked some technical question about a phone which my 
friend answered.  Then she told everyone they were here to sell phones and 
not to answer technical questions like that.

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From: Invisible
Subject: Re: A simple question
Date: 2 Apr 2008 03:35:57
Message: <47f3456d$1@news.povray.org>
scott wrote:

> What's a CRT monitor? Seriously, haven't seen one of them for years now.

In my universe, CRT is still infinitely more popular than LCD. This 
might be related to price...

[Obviously, where I work most of the monitors are so ancient that the 
plastic is turning interesting colours, so they're mostly CRT. My 
monitor at home is also CRT, because this gives it the property that it 
can display *any* resolution correctly. Useful for games that won't run 
fast enough at high res...]


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From: Invisible
Subject: Re: A simple question
Date: 2 Apr 2008 03:37:27
Message: <47f345c7@news.povray.org>
Stephen wrote:

> Volt amps takes into account the phase difference between the volts
> and the current. As you know then you pass an ac current through a
> capacitor or an inductor there is a phase difference. Volt amps is V *
> cos(phase) *A.
> Simple, What?

That makes no sense at all.

Since Amps are directly proportional to Volts, how can there possibly be 
a phase difference?


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From: Michael Zier
Subject: Re: A simple question
Date: 2 Apr 2008 04:00:48
Message: <47f34b40$1@news.povray.org>
> Since Amps are directly proportional to Volts, how can there possibly be
> a phase difference?

"Much to learn you have!"

Take a capacitor: initially it's discharged. Now connect it to a voltage 
source, the first instant you do, the voltage across the capacitor is 
still zero, however a large current (of charges) is flowing in, 
accumulating on the cap's plates thus creating an electric field in the 
cap. Which is proportional to the plate distance, charges sitting on them 
and die dielectric. This field prevents further flow of charges into the 
cap and finally you have the full voltage across the cap and no current 
flowing. Now repeat the whole thing by applying the opposite of the 
voltage, the cap gets charged the other way around, but with the same 
principal timing. Repeat, repeat, repeat... you get the picture -> phase 
shift (90 degrees).

Same applies to inductors (your speakers' driver coils), only this time 
the energy is stored in the magnetic field produced by the current, so I 
and V are exchanged in the timing, but still a phase shift.

That's very basic electrical engineering, you know... but maybe your 
universe is different after all. SCNR


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From: scott
Subject: Re: A simple question
Date: 2 Apr 2008 04:06:15
Message: <47f34c87@news.povray.org>
> That makes no sense at all.
> Since Amps are directly proportional to Volts,

You know Ohm's law, V = I*R, well think what happens if V and I are complex 
numbers ... as soon as R becomes complex, the phase of V and I will be 

And yes you guessed it, the "resistance" of capacitors and inductors are 
complex numbers ;-)

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From: Invisible
Subject: Re: A simple question
Date: 2 Apr 2008 04:15:03
Message: <47f34e97$1@news.povray.org>
>> Since Amps are directly proportional to Volts,
> You know Ohm's law, V = I*R, well think what happens if V and I are 
> complex numbers ... as soon as R becomes complex, the phase of V and I 
> will be different.
> And yes you guessed it, the "resistance" of capacitors and inductors are 
> complex numbers ;-)

That doesn't make any sense.

More precisely, if we assume that V and I are not necessarily in phase, 
this immediately allows me to derive a contradiction.

Apparently, all I have to do is generate a sufficiently low-frequency 
wave, with V and I sufficiently far out of phase, and we arrive at an 
impossible situation. I could have a system with an arbitrarily large 
current passing through it, for an arbitrarily long time, despite the 
entire system having zero potential difference.

Obviously, electrons don't just move around for the hell of it. They 
move in direct response to a potential difference. The very concept of a 
current with no force driving it is obviously ridiculous.

The equations might make perfect sense in the presence of complex 
numbers, but that doesn't mean they match the real world.


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From: Invisible
Subject: Re: A simple question
Date: 2 Apr 2008 04:19:38
Message: <47f34faa$1@news.povray.org>
Michael Zier wrote:

> "Much to learn you have!"

True enough...

> Take a capacitor: initially it's discharged. Now connect it to a voltage 
> source, the first instant you do, the voltage across the capacitor is 
> still zero

How on earth do you work that one out?

If you connect a capacitor to a 9 V source, then the potential 
difference across the capacitor is... exactly 9 V. In which universe is 
that 0 V?

> That's very basic electrical engineering, you know... but maybe your 
> universe is different after all. SCNR

Ah, maybe...


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