POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : The Raysnail - WIP, a probability based raytracer with (limited) support for PovRay SDL files : Re: The Raysnail - WIP, a probability based raytracer with (limited) suppor= Server Time
8 Oct 2024 04:12:59 EDT (-0400)
  Re: The Raysnail - WIP, a probability based raytracer with (limited) suppor=  
From: Bill Pragnell
Date: 18 Jul 2024 09:40:00
Message: <web.66991ad111aab5a3f642b0d6f35e431@news.povray.org>
"Hj. Malthaner" <me@home> wrote:
> Something though that I had been missing in PovRay is what is known as
> global illumination or path based lighting. Radiosity, supported by
> PovRay, is very similar, but not quite the same.

Are you aware of the UberPOV fork?


It's based on POV-Ray 3.7 and hasn't really seen any development for some time,
but one of its notable features is stochastic global illumination as an
extension to radiosity. I still use it quite often because I think it produces
much better results than the standard radiosity with almost no tweaking

Maybe there's something there of interest relevant to your project!


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