POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : whither POV-Ray ?? : Re: whither POV-Ray ?? Server Time
4 Oct 2024 14:48:43 EDT (-0400)
  Re: whither POV-Ray ??  
From: Mr
Date: 4 Jul 2020 16:45:00
Message: <web.5f00e94317b7b05f6adeaecb0@news.povray.org>
Chris Cason <del### [at] deletethistoopovrayorg> wrote:
> I was going to post a long reply but have come to the conclusion that
> really it doesn't matter how we got to this point, what matters is where
> we go.
> Yes we have a manpower issue. Yes I have not helped by not steering the
> boat. To be honest, though, after more than 25 years involvement in the
> project I see my role more as one of keeping POV-Ray stable and making
> sure that it works as designed on modern CPU's and modern operating systems.
> I have not done feature development for some time and as I have moved
> away from C++ professionally (I primarily develop in C# in my day job
> nowadays) I'm really not the best person to be doing core work anymore
> (that's not to say I can't, just that I feel it's best left to someone
> who is using C++ on a regular basis).
> Clipka has apparently moved on to doing other things. We had been hoping
> he was just taking some time off but it's pretty clear by now that we
> can't expect him back.
> Where to go from here? What can you guys do to help? Good questions. Let
> me ping the other guys on our mailing list and see what they think.
> -- Chris

Let me first say from the perspective of the relatively new user I am, that the
*real* picture is not as dark as it seems, coming from the very fast moving and
massive  Blender community I saw the recent POV technological moves happen in
the right direction faster than what I could witness at some turningpoints in
Blender's branching history.

Mostly thanks to Clipka, who had the good sense to really synch his Uberpov
branch and move back things to trunk from it as much as he could.

If we could we would be very well inspired to gather enough money to provide
some kind of Grant for Clipka... But how to do

Has it been considered to at least make him a candidate for a Google Summer of
code campaign?... I have no doubt that he will be very much over the lot of
other candidates... The tutor could be one of the chairmen.

If this is not an option or not attractive enough for him, let's come up with
other ideas to fulfill this goal (a short term but professional contract for
Clipka !)

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