On 2/15/2022 4:43 PM, Cousin Ricky wrote:
> ricky@localhost:~/Documents/POV-Ray/oc_devl/AndroidRobot> git pull origin main
> From github.com:CousinRicky/POV-AndroidRobot
> * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD
> Already up to date.
> ricky@localhost:~/Documents/POV-Ray/oc_devl/AndroidRobot> git push origin main
> To github.com:CousinRicky/POV-AndroidRobot.git
> ! [rejected] main -> main (non-fast-forward)
> error: failed to push some refs to 'github.com:CousinRicky/POV-AndroidRobot.git'
Try just "git pull" and "git push".
Also what does "git status" have to say?
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