POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : First "Christmas Star" in Nearly 800 Years : Re: First "Christmas Star" in Nearly 800 Years Server Time
2 Dec 2024 03:24:03 EST (-0500)
  Re: First "Christmas Star" in Nearly 800 Years  
From: Ash Holsenback
Date: 19 Dec 2020 12:05:14
Message: <5fde32ca$1@news.povray.org>
On 12/18/20 8:09 PM, Cousin Ricky wrote:
> On 2020-12-04 2:54 PM (-4), Bald Eagle wrote:
>> For the several solar system modelers amongst us:
>> Jupiter and Saturn Will Align to Create the First "Christmas Star" in 
>> Nearly 800
>> Years
>> https://www.popsugar.com/smart-living/jupiter-saturn-christmas-star-48024008 
> Here we go again...


> impression that this event was a predictable outcome of the regular 
> clockwork of the Solar System.


> impressively close, but not close enough to appear as a single point for 

> pair will not appear much more "radiant" than Jupiter does alone.


> article arguing that since the account in Matthew was a faith-based 
> story, attempts to identify an actual corresponding astronomical event 

> the lines that all those murdered babies are living it up in heaven, but 

> Jesus' birth are unknown.
> Lest you call me a killjoy, the reality not meeting an expectation would 

hey why is it you can't find a flux capacitor when you need it... sheesh 
we could go and see for ourselves

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