There's something wrong with me. From neck to groin I'm fine but I'm
sore and weak everywhere else (arms, hands, legs, feet) and my brain is
broken. I can't concentrate on anything except re-reading trash novels
on the Kindle. Even reading the news I lose interest in the middle of
an article and wander off. Finishing my movie is really important to me
and I sit and stare at it for a minute and then wander off having
accomplished 0.
I did a nice 5 mile hike in February and by March it started with my
left knee and me wondering how long I could hold out before knee
replacement surgery. Then that knee got a lot better as other parts
started whacking out. For a while my hands were gnarled in a semi-fist
and I took up my guitar again (yea!) and used that as a therapy. A week
later my hands decided "no more fists for you! Now we like to be
straight". Thanks hands.
Sometimes I hurt so much that I've, half jokingly, modified one of my
personal truths to "They say getting old beats the alternative, but are
we *really sure* about that?"
It's not corona. But I'm not dying and it's not corona so doctors
aren't interested. I had zoom calls and we tried 7 weeks of Doxycycline
for Lyme, but that wasn't it.
July I finally got routine blood work and my doctor said, "you take
these results home and hang them on the fridge. I have never seen such
good numbers in a 61 year old. Your good cholesterol is a little low
from lack of exercise but that's picking nits. Even your blood pressure
is good (120/70) which is very rare for someone your age. You be sure to
thank your parents for great genetics."
So I'm basically really healthy, I just feel like shit. Now we start the
"throw darts" section where there are 20 random blood tests being done
in hopes of hitting something. Of course, there is a 3 week wait for the
blood draw.
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