POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : whither POV-Ray ?? : Re: whither POV-Ray ?? Server Time
4 Oct 2024 14:37:40 EDT (-0400)
  Re: whither POV-Ray ??  
From: Thorsten
Date: 3 Jul 2020 07:19:37
Message: <5eff1449$1@news.povray.org>
On 03.07.2020 11:56, jr wrote:
>> No, actually, I left the team many years ago.
> unless you left on or around February 2007, I don't see how that absolves you
> from (yr share of) the blame, ie letting POV-Ray "run down" to its present
> state.

No, given all contributions are made voluntarily, I have no 
responsibility beyond my actual contributions.


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