POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.object-collection : Contribution Drive? Server Time
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  Contribution Drive? (Message 11 to 12 of 12)  
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From: Chambers
Subject: Re: Contribution Drive?
Date: 23 Jan 2008 21:15:40
Message: <4797f4cc@news.povray.org>
John VanSickle wrote:
> Chambers wrote:
>> So, I would like to try an experiment: A group collaboration.  We'll 
>> pick a topic (probably something like "tables" or "chairs" or even 
>> "writing utensils"), and several people will each contribute one or 
>> two items to it.  The result will be published on the library site 
>> under a group credit.  If we like the results, we can continue to do 
>> such collections to help beef up our library.
> If the topic is tables, I have over a dozen different ones to 
> contribute, all created for various IRTC entries over the years.
> Regards,
> John

It's not, but I'd be more than willing to package them together for you 
an upload them, crediting you.

...Ben Chambers

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From: John VanSickle
Subject: Re: Contribution Drive?
Date: 24 Jan 2008 15:48:09
Message: <4798f989@news.povray.org>
Chambers wrote:
> John VanSickle wrote:
>> Chambers wrote:
>>> So, I would like to try an experiment: A group collaboration.  We'll 
>>> pick a topic (probably something like "tables" or "chairs" or even 
>>> "writing utensils"), and several people will each contribute one or 
>>> two items to it.  The result will be published on the library site 
>>> under a group credit.  If we like the results, we can continue to do 
>>> such collections to help beef up our library.
>> If the topic is tables, I have over a dozen different ones to 
>> contribute, all created for various IRTC entries over the years.
> It's not, but I'd be more than willing to package them together for you 
> an upload them, crediting you.

I'd want to modify the files heavily first, to parameterize just about 
all of the settings--especially in the earlier ones--and to make the 
pass-along variables more consistent, too.


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