Cousin Ricky <ric### [at] yahoocom> wrote:
> On 2021-06-05 5:20 AM (-4), jr wrote:
> >
> > I use the GPL v3+ routinely (ie unthinkingly :-)) for everything I "publish".
> > appreciate that you (too) are not a lawyer, however, questions: should I change
> > from v3+ to another, eg LGPL? what would be the "real" difference?
> Have a look at: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/why-not-lgpl.html
> As you know, I cannot give legal advice.
thanks. did look, still no clearer which of the GNU licences is the "best fit"
for include files and such. also unsure how/whether GNU v3+ "conflicts" with
Creative Commons license.
(since neither of us is a lawyer, it'd be simply your opinion. however, you've
concerned yourself with the matter and thus your opinion is of interest (to me))
regards, jr.
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