Cousin Ricky <ric### [at] yahoocom> wrote:
> > I would like to
> > add Pluto and Ceres as well, but I could not find all the necessary data
> > for them.
> What? This is size-ism!
Size matters.
The data I have for Pluto is
// Pluto discovered by Clyde Tombaugh February 18, 1930
#declare PlutoRad = 1189.9*KM*I; // (ER*0.18)*Miles*I; // Pluto Radius [1150
#declare PlutoRot = -360*(OC/6.387230); // Pluto Rotation: -360 deg every 6.38
days [retrograde rotation] [-6.39]
#declare PlutoTilt = 122.53; // Pluto tilt to orbital plane
#declare PlutoDist = SunRad+(5913520000*KM)*Scale; //SunRad+(EarthDist*39.44);
// Pluto distance from Sun
#declare PlutoSemiMaj = 5906.38*GM*Scale; // [1] Pluto semimajor Axis
#declare PlutoEpoch = J2000; // [2] Pluto Epoch
#declare PlutoRev = 360*(Clock/248.00); // Pluto Revolution: 360 deg every
248.00 years (90560 days)(orbital period)
#declare PlutoIncl = 17.16; // [4] Pluto orbital inclination to Earth
orbital plane
#declare PlutoEccen = 0.2488; // [3] Pluto orbital Eccentricity
#declare PlutoArgPeri = 113.834; // [5] Pluto Argument of Perihelion
#declare PlutoLongAsc = 110.299; // [6] Pluto Longitude of Ascending Node
#declare PlutoPrecA = 0; // Pluto Axial precession ?
#declare PlutoPrecO = 0; // Pluto Orbital precession ?
#declare PlutoMat = material {texture {pigment {Gray90} normal {bumps scale
0.00001} finish {diffuse 0.55}}}
// 5 satellites
I have nothing (yet) for Ceres.
(But I'm only 1300 lines of code into it...)
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