POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.object-collection : RoundEdge 2.0: unequal edge radii : Re: RoundEdge 2.0: unequal edge radii Server Time
15 Feb 2025 08:58:02 EST (-0500)
  Re: RoundEdge 2.0: unequal edge radii  
From: Thomas de Groot
Date: 2 May 2020 02:31:12
Message: <5ead13b0$1@news.povray.org>
Op 01/05/2020 om 18:44 schreef Cousin Ricky:
> On 2020-05-01 2:51 AM (-4), Thomas de Groot wrote:
>> Op 30/04/2020 om 18:21 schreef Cousin Ricky:
>>> In my experience it helps with POV-Ray 3.6, but slows things down 
>>> with POV-Ray 3.7--for the same isosurface function!  I once had a 
>>> mind to ask the group about this anomaly, but I never got a round 
>>> tuit (POVers charge a premium for those!), and I cannot find my 
>>> records of the timing statistics.  I don't normally use it, but I 
>>> believe Thomas de Groot uses it a great deal.
>> I have not really used 'evaluate' in my isosurfaces. I have played 
>> with it of course but as far as I can remember, I did not find any 
>> significant use for it in my scenes. I browsed a couple of them and 
>> 'evalate' is never used.
> Hmmmm.  Perhaps I'm mixing you up with one of the many POVers doing 
> Landscapes Of The Week many years ago.  The search continues for a 
> satisfied evaluate user...

Christoph Hormann perhaps?


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