POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.object-collection : RoundEdge 2.0: unequal edge radii : Re: RoundEdge 2.0: unequal edge radii Server Time
11 Feb 2025 14:07:31 EST (-0500)
  Re: RoundEdge 2.0: unequal edge radii  
From: Cousin Ricky
Date: 30 Apr 2020 23:44:05
Message: <5eab9b05$1@news.povray.org>
On 2020-04-30 1:29 PM (-4), Bald Eagle wrote:
> Is there a way to access and record the max_gradient that was found and write
> that to a file?

The Warning_Console option (+GW) should do it.  But beware that 3.7 
neglects to report the max_gradient under certain conditions.  See:


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