Le 05/04/2019 à 03:58, Cousin Ricky a écrit :
> On 2019-03-21 3:30 PM (-4), Le_Forgeron wrote:
>> 2. when done, please drop a little message (here), and I will resync the
>> collection with the repository.
> I have updated these 8 modules:
> AndroidRobot 4.0.1
> BeamTest 1.2.1
> BrightStar5 1.1.1
> Caption 1.1.1
> IntegrateLight 1.0.1
> lrchairs 1.1.1
> Spectrum 4.0.1
> TiltedTorus 3.0.1
> Most of these have only the suppression of the include message and minor
> tweaks, but BrightStar5 has a bug fix and IntegrateLight has some
> corrections to the user manual.
> But wouldn't you know it, I just discovered brand new errors in 6 of the
> user manuals. If I upload the corrected manuals to p.b.misc, can you do
> me the favor of copying them to the Object Collection server?
You mean updating/replacing the file in your last upload ?
Probably yes.
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