Chris B wrote:
> Strictly speaking, no. The naming conventions are there to help minimise
> naming collisions which would mainly be a problem with included files.
Makes sense, thats what I thought but I didn't want to assume.
> We've been recording downloads since mid-March, but currently this info
> isn't displayed anywhere. I'll look at putting together a query to summarize
> the data.
That would be great, thanks.
> The automatic upload scripts restrict file types to those directly supported
> by POV-Ray or Moray (plus HTML related files for documentation).
> Administrators can upload other file types.
> In the sort of case you outline, where the POV-Ray files work fine without
> InkScape, but where the SVG files add value to someone wishing to tailor the
> shapes, I think it's a good idea to make them available.
> I would suggest that you upload the POV-Ray files and create the entry for
> the object, then send the SVG files in a zipped archive to the
> administrators email address (see http://lib.povray.org/members/). We can
> then add the zip file to the object files so it gets downloaded with them.
> I'd recommend calling the zip file 'yourobjectname_svgsource.zip'.
Great, thanks for the help, I'll do this.
-The Mildly Infamous Blue Herring
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