POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Transforming transformation matrix to POV-ray format Server Time
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  Transforming transformation matrix to POV-ray format (Message 1 to 7 of 7)  
From: StoicGilgamesh
Subject: Transforming transformation matrix to POV-ray format
Date: 7 Dec 2022 08:30:00
Message: <web.639094887e859b8aed7c85534ba703f0@news.povray.org>
I am surely doing something wrong here, any advice or help would be highly

I want to transform the object mesh (.inc) in the same pose as the object in the
captured image and then render it on the object in the captured image.

that is, I would like this rendered object by pov-ray to alight exactly with the
object in the captured image.

I get my object mesh from the keypose/ BOP dataset, with its corresponding
ground-truth object pose in the form of a Transformation matrix(Original
Transformation matrix.png). This is in the Right Hand Coordinate system.

Since POV-ray operates in the Left-hand coordinate system I tried to convert the
transformation matrix ( the ground-truth pose provided by the dataset) to the
right hand by following suggestions:


That is from the original transformation matrix:

{ rx, ry, rz, 0 }
{ ux, uy, uz, 0 }
{ lx, ly, lz, 0 }
{ px, py, pz, 1 }

To change it from left to right or right to left, flip it like this:

{ rx, rz, ry, 0 }
{ lx, lz, ly, 0 }
{ ux, uz, uy, 0 }
{ px, pz, py, 1 }

But this leads to the following result (image).

Since this throws the object out of the image, i change the "CamLoc" from
"<0,0,0>" to "<0,0,-2>" in the script below (image).



#version 3.7;
global_settings {max_trace_level 40 }

#include "colors.inc"
#include "shapes.inc"

#ifdef (cl_x) #declare CamLoc=<0,0,0>; #end // Camera Location
#ifdef (lk_x) #declare LookAt=<0,0,1>;    #end // Look at
#ifdef (cs_x) #declare CamSky=<0.0,   1,   0>;    #end // Camera Sky
#declare CamDir = vnormalize(LookAt - CamLoc);
#declare CamR   = vnormalize(vcross(CamSky,CamDir));
#declare CamUp  = vnormalize(vcross(CamDir,CamR));

#ifdef (cam_a) #declare CamA = cam_a; #else #declare CamA = 1;   #end // Aspect
#ifdef (cam_z) #declare CamZ = cam_z; #else #declare CamZ = 1.5; #end // Zoom
#ifdef (bg_sc) #declare BgSc = bg_sc; #else #declare BgSc = 3;   #end //
Background scale

#ifndef (IOR)   #declare IOR   = 1.5; #end // Index of refraction
#ifndef (Trans) #declare Trans = 1;   #end // Transmit
#ifndef (Dim)   #declare Dim   = 1;   #end // Ambient intensity

camera {
    location CamLoc
    direction CamDir * CamZ
    angle 86.9
    right CamR * CamA
    up CamUp

#macro OrientZ(p1,p2,cs)
    #local nz = vnormalize(p2-p1);
    #local nx = vnormalize(vcross(cs,nz));
    #local ny = vcross(nz,nx);
    matrix <nx.x, nx.y, nx.z,
            ny.x, ny.y, ny.z,
            nz.x, nz.y, nz.z,
            p1.x, p1.y, p1.z>

#ifdef (Calib) // Render objects with graycode patterns
    #declare pigmentStructure = pigment {
        #if (clock <= 2)
            #if (clock = 1) #declare mask = 1; #end color White
            image_map { png concat(${ImageName}, str(clock-2,1,0), ".png")
map_type 0 interpolate 2 }
    #declare pigmentImage = pigment {
        #ifdef (mask)
            color White
            #ifdef (rho) color White #else image_map { jpeg ${ImageName}
map_type 0 interpolate 2 } #end

box { <0,0,0> <1,1,0.01>
    #ifdef (Calib)
        pigment { pigmentStructure }
        finish { ambient 1 }
        pigment { pigmentImage }
        finish { ambient Dim }
    translate <-0.5,-0.5,0>
    scale <CamA, 1, 1>
    translate <0, 0, CamZ>
    scale BgSc

#ifndef (Empty)
object {
    #ifdef (mask)
        pigment {color Black}
        texture {
                color filter 1
                #ifdef (Calib) transmit 1 #else transmit Trans #end
        interior {
            ior IOR
            #ifndef (Calib)
                #ifdef (FadeD) fade_distance FadeD fade_power FadeP #end

    matrix <0.9985836 , -0.03011384, -0.04386286,
        -0.05320521, -0.56519264, -0.82324145,
        0.        ,  0.82440915, -0.56599431,
         -0.03461049,  0.7220574 ,  0.08761759>



As you can see this particular transform throws the object out of the image.

Ideally, i would like this rendered object by pov-ray to alight exactly with the
object in the image.

I have also tried a few other transforms but they also do not seem to work.

for reference, i also add the result of the pov-ray rendered image using the
original transform given by the dataset (attached image: )

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Preview of image 'original transformation matrix.png'
original transformation matrix.png


From: StoicGilgamesh
Subject: Re: Transforming transformation matrix to POV-ray format
Date: 7 Dec 2022 08:35:00
Message: <web.6390967a7706afa6ed7c85534ba703f0@news.povray.org>

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rendered with suggested transform.jpg


From: StoicGilgamesh
Subject: Re: Transforming transformation matrix to POV-ray format
Date: 7 Dec 2022 08:40:00
Message: <web.639096aa7706afa6ed7c85534ba703f0@news.povray.org>
"StoicGilgamesh" <Gup### [at] acintuwienacat> wrote:

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Preview of image 'rendered with adjusted camloc.jpg'
rendered with adjusted camloc.jpg


From: StoicGilgamesh
Subject: Re: Transforming transformation matrix to POV-ray format
Date: 7 Dec 2022 08:40:00
Message: <web.639096ee7706afa6ed7c85534ba703f0@news.povray.org>

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rendered original transform.jpg


From: StoicGilgamesh
Subject: Re: Transforming transformation matrix to POV-ray format
Date: 7 Dec 2022 08:40:00
Message: <web.639097307706afa6ed7c85534ba703f0@news.povray.org>

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Preview of image 'original transformation matrix.png'
original transformation matrix.png


From: StoicGilgamesh
Subject: Re: Transforming transformation matrix to POV-ray format
Date: 7 Dec 2022 08:40:00
Message: <web.639097997706afa6ed7c85534ba703f0@news.povray.org>
"StoicGilgamesh" <Gup### [at] acintuwienacat> wrote:

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Preview of image 'rendered with adjusted camloc.jpg'
rendered with adjusted camloc.jpg


From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: Transforming transformation matrix to POV-ray format
Date: 7 Dec 2022 13:40:00
Message: <web.6390dcfa7706afa61f9dae3025979125@news.povray.org>
So, it looks to me like you're trying to take a mesh bottle and put it in the
same place as the bottle in the image.
I'm also assuming that your image is on the xz plane.

I think what you ought to do is take your mesh, determine the bounding box, and
then position the mesh so that it is centered on the y axis, and its bottom is
at y=0.

#declare Min = min_extent {your mesh};
#declare Max = max_extent {your mesh};

#declare Center = (x+z)*(Min+Max)/2;
#declare Y_adjust = (Max.y-Min.y)/2;
object {your mesh translate -Center translate y*Y_adjust}

(That's all untested, so check it)

Then you can just translate the object to anywhere you want, knowing that it's
now centered, with the bottom at the origin.

If you're trying to flip something from right to left, the easiest way is to
just scale -x.

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