Le 15/08/2022 à 07:40, Tako a écrit :
> I generated a dense point cloud data for the forest scenario(.las format), how
> can
> I import the point cloud data of the forest in POV-ray, or what type of object
> do I need to define the point cloud data as?
what do you want to visualize ?
Looking up for las format, I found lidar related data, is that correct ?
Which of the eleven point data format did you use ?
You are of course aware that the header of the file *does* scale and
move the points ?
It's a binary format, not the best one to work with (first of all,
endianess is not always the same everywhere)
Save some time, here are the 11 variants:
0: Core-0. 20 bytes. Includes x,y,z values, intensity of pulse
return, return identification, classification (see below), scan angle,
and identifier for the source for this point data, if derived from an
earlier dataset.
1: Core-0 + GPS time
2: Core-0 + three 16-bit color channels
3: Core-0 + GPS time and three 16-bit color channels
4: Type 1 + wave packets. Wave packets may be stored in the file or
in an auxiliary file with the same name and extension .wdp.
5: Type 3 + wave packets
6: Core-6 (allowing more bits for return data, and making GPS time
7: Core-6 + three 16-bit color channels
8: Type 7 + NIR (near infra-red) channel
9: Core-6 + wave packets
10: Type 9 + three color channels and NIR channel.
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