clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> Am 25.02.2019 um 15:04 schrieb omniverse:
> > "cloudyroo" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> >> If I add a blue background to a scene with a grey floor and white sphere I end
> >> up with a pretty blue everything (like so: https://imgur.com/a/w9dF3Q1).
> >> Is there a way to stop this or another way to colour only the sky/background?
> >> Thanks!
> >
> > You seem to be using radiosity; if so, try adding the keyword gray_threshold (or
> > grey_threshold) to that part of your scene and use a value greater than the
> > default of 0.
> > It will diminish color transference by that amount as a percentage, 0.5 being
> > 50%.
> I strongly recommend against using `gray_threshold`, as it has
> unrealistic and probably undesired side effects. Most notably, it will
> desaturate nooks and crannies more than open areas.
Good point! I only thought about the blue color cast and not about all other
object colors. My fault for narrowing the question down too much.
Your no_radiosity suggestion makes me think it would be even better if there was
a way to apply a percentage instead of simply on/off. Although... with an object
for background, shouldn't (finish) diffuse and emission do something like that
anyway? Or does zeroing those matter to other scene objects?
I must give this a try just to see for myself what happens.
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