![](/i/fill.gif) |
I quickly hammered out a POV-space to help lay out small specific pieces that
need to have certain dimensions, angles, etc, and after I refamiliarized myself
with the weirdities of the orthographic camera, I noticed that my x-axis seems
reversed, as does my rotational direction around the y-axis.
Perhaps someone can point out what probably ought to be bleeding obvious.
I'll post an attachment in pbsf for convenience.
#version 3.7;
#ifdef (SDL)
// do nothing
// Settings, includes, camera, lightsource, etc. will already be defined in
main scene file
#debug "Variable SDL defined, skipping include file scene definition \n"
// setup scene file for independent rendering of this include file
#debug "Variable SDL not defined, setting up include file scene definition \n"
// radiosity (global illumination) settings
#default {finish {ambient 0 diffuse 1} }
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1.0
radiosity {
pretrace_start 0.08 // start pretrace at this size
pretrace_end 0.04 // end pretrace at this size
count 35 // higher -> higher quality (1..1600) [35]
nearest_count 5 // higher -> higher quality (1..10) [5]
error_bound 1.8 // higher -> smoother, less accurate [1.8]
recursion_limit 3 // how much interreflections are calculated
(1..5+) [3]
low_error_factor .5 // reduce error_bound during last pretrace step
gray_threshold 0.0 // increase for weakening colors (0..1) [0]
minimum_reuse 0.015 // reuse of old radiosity samples [0.015]
brightness 1 // brightness of radiosity effects (0..1) [1]
adc_bailout 0.01/2
//normal on // take surface normals into account [off]
//media on // take media into account [off]
//save_file "file_name" // save radiosity data
//load_file "file_name" // load saved radiosity data
//always_sample off // turn sampling in final trace off [on]
//max_sample 1.0 // maximum brightness of samples
} // end radiosity
} // end global settings
#include "debug.inc"
Set_Debug (true)
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "glass.inc"
#include "metals.inc"
#include "golds.inc"
#include "stones.inc"
#include "woods.inc"
#include "shapes.inc"
#include "shapes2.inc"
#include "functions.inc"
#include "math.inc"
#include "transforms.inc"
#declare Feet = 12;
#declare Camera_Number = 0;
#declare Fraction = 1;
#switch ( Camera_Number )
#case (0)
#declare Camera_Orthographic = true;
#declare Camera_Position = <0, 0, -30*Feet> ; // front view
#declare Camera_Look_At = <0, 0, 0> ;
#declare Fraction = 8; // functions as a zoom for the orthographic view
// 4 zooms in 4x, 8 zooms in 8x, etc.
#case (1)
#declare Camera_Orthographic = false;
#declare Camera_Position = <0, 0, -10*Feet> ; // front view
#declare Camera_Look_At = <0, 0, 0> ;
#case (2)
#declare Camera_Position = < 0.00, 36.00, -48.00> ; // front view
#declare Camera_Look_At = < 0.00, 24.00, 0.00> ;
#declare Camera_Angle = 65 ;
#case (3)
#declare Camera_Position = < 0*Feet, 2*Feet, 0*Feet> ; // top view
#declare Camera_Look_At = < 0.00, 0*Feet, 0*Feet> ;
#declare Camera_Angle = 65 ;
#case (4)
#declare Camera_Position = < 0.00, 9*Feet, 27*Feet> ; // mobile view
#declare Camera_Look_At = < 0.00, 0*Feet, 33*Feet> ;
#declare Camera_Angle = 65 ;
#case (5)
#declare Camera_Position = < 0.00, 6*Feet, 35*Feet> ; // mobile view
#declare Camera_Look_At = < 0.00, 6*Feet, 25*Feet> ;
#declare Camera_Angle = 65 ;
#declare Camera_Position = < 0.00, 1.00,-20.00> ; // front view
#declare Camera_Look_At = < 0.00, 1.00, 0.00> ;
#declare Camera_Angle = 65 ;
#end // end of switch ( Camera_Number )
// #####################################
camera {
#if (Camera_Orthographic = true)
right image_width/(2*Fraction)
up image_height/(2*Fraction)
location Camera_Position
look_at Camera_Look_At}
// #####################################
light_source {<40*Feet, 20*Feet, -100*Feet> color rgb <1, 1, 1>*0.8}
sky_sphere {pigment {gradient <0, 1, 0>
color_map {[0 color rgb <1, 1, 1> ] // White
[0.4 color rgb <0.14, 0.14, 0.56>] //~Navy
[0.6 color rgb <0.14, 0.14, 0.56>] //~Navy
[1.0 color rgb <1, 1, 1> ] // White
scale 2 }
} // end of sky_sphere
#end // end SDL check
// ########################################
// ########################################
// ########################################
// Textures
// ########################################
// ########################################
// ########################################
// Render include file scene
#ifndef (SDL)
#debug "Variable SDL not defined, rendering include file scene definition \n"
#declare LineWidth = 0.2;
#declare LineColor1 = <0, 0, 0.2>;
#declare LineColor2 = <0.5, 0.0, 0.0>;
#declare Grid = 30*Feet;
#declare Plane = 12;
plane {z, Plane pigment {Blue*0.4} }
#for (X, 0, Grid)
cylinder {< X, -Grid, Plane> < X, Grid, Plane> LineWidth/2 pigment {rgb
LineColor1} }
cylinder {<-X, -Grid, Plane> <-X, Grid, Plane> LineWidth/2 pigment {rgb
LineColor1} }
#if (X/12 = int(X/12))
cylinder {< X, -Grid, Plane> < X, Grid, Plane> LineWidth pigment {rgb
LineColor2} }
cylinder {<-X, -Grid, Plane> <-X, Grid, Plane> LineWidth pigment {rgb
LineColor2} }
#for (Y, 0, Grid)
cylinder {<-Grid, Y, Plane> <Grid, Y, Plane> LineWidth/2 pigment {rgb
LineColor1} }
cylinder {<-Grid, -Y, Plane> <Grid, -Y, Plane> LineWidth/2 pigment {rgb
LineColor1} }
#if (Y/12 = int(Y/12))
cylinder {<-Grid, Y, Plane> <Grid, Y, Plane> LineWidth pigment {rgb
LineColor2} }
cylinder {<-Grid, -Y, Plane> <Grid, -Y, Plane> LineWidth pigment {rgb
LineColor2} }
//object {My_Object scale <1, 1, 1> rotate -y*45 translate x*12}
sphere {<0, 0, 0> 6 pigment {White} }
// do nothing
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![](/i/fill.gif) |