> Can somebody please help me with (and help me understand) the parse error
> that POV is giving me when I try to render? ....
The error "Expected file identifier" is caused because
of a miss-match beween the VarX, and VarY variables
and the actual number of CSV numbers in the file.
After the last value is #read the file automatically
closes, and Text (the file handle) becomes undefined.
Then when it loops and #reads again it crashes. The
values read from the file (7 and 7) reflect that there
are 49 sets of 3 to read, the loops start at 0 and
continue up to 7, attempting to read in 64 sets of 3.
You can change the (VarY <= MaxY) to (VarY < MaxY), and
(VarX <= MaxX) to (VarX < MaxX) to make it work.
camera{location-2 look_at 0}light_source{-9,rgb 1}difference{
disc{0,-1,1 pigment{rgb<1,1,0>}}torus{0.4,0.1 translate 0.1*y}
torus{0.5,0.1 rotate<27,0,-30>translate-0.2*y}} // =)
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