"Woody" <nomail@nomail> wrote in message
>I need help with a scene. It is located at http://woodmath.com/scene.txt .
> can't seem to get rid of that stuff at the base of the building. Is this a
> lighting issue?
> Much thanks, jeff
Hi ,
If you mean that bits of your grid don't appear properly, it's because a bit
of the second copy of the 'pseudo' isosurface protrudes above the grid and
blocks the camera's view of a line along the 3rd and 4th bits of the grid.
If you translate it by -y you see the whole grid.
To see this more clearly you can make the isosurface white (when it's black
it's difficult to differentiate it from the black background).
A couple of suggestions for posting future questions -
It's best to cut down your source so that it only contains the bits that
affect the problem.
It's better to be more descriptive about the problem you have (in this case
you talk about the base of a building, but there's not a building in the
rendered image)
If you have to post code that takes a long time to render (in this case 40
minutes for my first render), then it's a good idea to also show an image as
an illustration of the problem. In this case you could have put the image on
your web site or posted the image in povray.binaries.images. In some cases
people may be able to identify the problem without having to wait 40 minutes
for the render to complete.
Hope this helps.
Chris B.
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