"Kaka22" <rod### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> Hi I'm trying to create a scene, showing an aquarium..the camera must be
> positioned like its inside the aquarium....I was trying to make the bottom
> of the aquarium filled with pebbles or gravel...any ideas or links ?
I've got a scene file that might help you, I'll post it in
povray.binaried.scene-files. It just builds a stack of spheres, in fact it
was done to place breakfast cereal in a bowl, hence the references to
breakfast and bowl in the file, but it should provide a technique that's
just as good for putting pebbles in an aquarium.
Basically it positions an object, storing all of the positions away so that
it can do a very crude form of collision detection. Anyway, take a look and
feel free to use it if it meets your needs.
Chris B.
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