"shimon_a10" <shi### [at] wallacoil> wrote in message
> Hi, everybody.
> 1. I need help with the trace function.
> 2. When I trace rays from a point above the xz plane to the xz plane,I get
> that the normal at the intersection point (which is at the xz plane) is
> not zero at the x or z normal elements.
> 3. I'll be glad to get help.
> 4. Lots of thanks.
> shimon
Hi Shimon,
It seems to work OK for me. Even to 12 decimal places it comes up with 0 for
the x and z components of the normal vector.
I tried a few different starting points and different direction vectors, but
it always gave me a normal vector pointing straight up.
The following example contains the code I used for the test.
camera {location <0,0,-1> look_at <0,0,0>}
light_source {<0,1,0> color rgb 1}
#local MyTarget = plane {y,0}
#local MyNormal = <0,0,0>;
#local MyPoint = trace ( MyTarget, <1,1,1>, <0,-1,-1>, MyNormal );
#debug concat("Normal: ",vstr(3,MyNormal,",",12,12),"\n")
text {ttf "crystal.ttf", vstr(3,MyNormal,",",3,3), 0.1,0
scale 0.1
pigment {color rgb <5,0,0>}
translate <-0.3,0,0>
Chris B.
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