"Mark" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Hi, I'm currently working on a pool table project and I'm having trouble
> putting the numbers on the balls. I've got a nice pigment for the rest of
> the ball but I'd like to place an image with the ball number on it. Is
> there an easy way to do this or are there any other ways?
> Thanks
Well, funny you should ask.... :)
I just finished a group of macros, one of which should do the trick
procedurally. This will only work if you have a font with the kind of
numbers you want in it. Here the example uses the "timrom.ttf" font
included with POV-Ray.
Also, it turns out there is a much easier and better way to do this, with
the various warps and mappings, but I didn't know that at the time. Anyway
it's already done.
The following example creates a sphere with a bozo base texture and a black
// begin code==============================================
#include "colors.inc"
#include "shapes.inc"
// Text Sphere
// =======================================================
/* Sphere_Line( Radius, Font, Text, Degrees, Spacing, Longitude,
Text_Texture, Sphere_Texture)
Sphere_Line code was *heavily* borrowed from the Circle_Text macro by Ron
Parker in shapes.inc
Creates a sphere object centered on the origin with text written in a line
around the equator,
in such a way that the text is a solid texture that allows (some) CSG. The
text does not scale
down toward the origin, though.
Radius: The radius of the sphere around which the letters are
Font: The font to use (see the documentation for the text object)
Text: The text string
Degrees: The height of the text on the sphere, in degrees.
Spacing: The amount of space to add between the letters.
Longitude: The longitude of the text sart/center/end point
x_Justification: 0=start point (right) 1=center point 2=end point (left)
Text_Texture: texture of the text
Sphere_Texture: texture of the sphere
#macro Sphere_Line( R, F, Text, Deg, Spacing, Long, X_Just, Text_Texture,
#local Scale= (2*R*sin(radians(Deg/2)));
#local Width= Text_Width(F, Text, Scale, Spacing);
#local Text_Object= text {ttf F Text 1 0 scale<Scale, Scale, 1>}
#local Text_Height= max_extent(Text_Object).y;
#local C= array[strlen(Text)]
#local Smidge= 1e-5;
#if(Width > 2*pi*R)
#warning concat("nn**** Text string "", Text, "" is too long for a
sphere of the specified radius. Object may not look as planned.nnn")
#local Arc_Width= -Width*180/pi/R;
#local Start_Arc= Long;
#local End_Arc= Long + Arc_Width;
#if(X_Just= 2)
#local Start_Arc= Long - Arc_Width;
#local End_Arc= Long;
#if(X_Just = 1)
#local Start_Arc= Long - Arc_Width/2;
#local End_Arc= Long + Arc_Width/2;
#local Count=1;
#while(Count <= strlen(Text))
#local Char_Width= Text_Width(F, substr(Text,Count,1), Scale, Spacing);
#local Whitespace= Text_Width(F, substr(Text,1,Count),Scale,
#local Char_Angle= Start_Arc + Arc_Width*Whitespace/Width +
#local Text_Object= text {ttf F substr(Text,Count,1) (R-Smidge) 0
scale<Scale, Scale, 1>}
#local C[Count-1] =
object { Text_Object
translate <-Char_Width/2,-Text_Height/2,-(R+Smidge)>
rotate Char_Angle*y
#local Count = Count + 1;
// create the text object, a union of individual letters.
#local Text_Sphere_Object= union {
#local Count=0;
#while(Count < strlen(Text))
object {C[Count]}
#local Count = Count + 1;
// create the text texture
#local Text_Sphere_Texture= texture {
object {
texture {Sphere_Texture} //outside text
texture {Text_Texture} //inside text
// create the sphere with the text on the surface
sphere { 0, R
texture {Text_Sphere_Texture}
#declare TBozo=texture { pigment {bozo color_map {[0 Gray30][.5 Gray35][.5
Gray50][1 Gray50]}} scale .2}
#declare TBlack=texture {pigment {color Black}}
// Sphere_Line( Radius, Font, Text, Degrees, Spacing, Longitude,
//Text_Texture, Sphere_Texture)
object { Sphere_Line(2,"timrom.ttf","2",0,0,0,1,TBlack,TBozo)
translate y*2
// end code===============================================
hope this helps...
I also have macros that write multiple lines, and that engrave/emboss the
text using csg, and one that writes on the faces of a dodecahedron.
-Stefan Sittler
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