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Hello Everyone!
I am a new beginner pursuing on the "Structure From Motion (SFM)"
problem,and now I'd like to use POV to generate such image sequence with
certain kind of random noise to my images(ie. with uniform or normal
distribution)( meant not to deform the shape sharply, but to disturb the
quality of the images temporaly,as you mean that),so how can we do that in
the powerful POV,then?Thanks a lot!
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From: Chris B
Subject: Re: How to Add random Noise to the generated Image(Sequence)?
Date: 18 Dec 2005 07:25:34
Message: <43a5553e$1@news.povray.org>
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"jiangzhijun" <jia### [at] lmars whu edu cn> wrote in message
> Hello Everyone!
> I am a new beginner pursuing on the "Structure From Motion (SFM)"
> problem,and now I'd like to use POV to generate such image sequence with
> certain kind of random noise to my images(ie. with uniform or normal
> distribution)( meant not to deform the shape sharply, but to disturb the
> quality of the images temporaly,as you mean that),so how can we do that in
> the powerful POV,then?Thanks a lot!
I'm not sure what sort of distortion you want. Two options spring to mind
1. You can put a speckled translucent plane just in front of the camera.
2. You can add a normal to the camera
Here's an example doing both at once:
Chris B.
camera {location <0,0.5,-2> look_at <0,0.5,0> normal {granite 0.005 scale
light_source { < -150, 1000 ,-800> color rgb 1}
plane {-z,1.9
pigment {
color_map {
[0 color rgbt <1,1,1,1>]
[0.99 color rgbt <1,1,1,1>]
[0.99 color rgb <1,0,1>]
[1 color rgb <1,0,1>]
scale 0.00001
background {color rgb <0.8,0.8,1>}
sphere {<0,0.5,0>,0.5 pigment {color rgb <1,0,0>}}
plane {y, 0 texture {pigment {checker}}}
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"Chris B" <c_b### [at] btconnect com nospam> wrote:
> camera {location <0,0.5,-2> look_at <0,0.5,0> normal {granite 0.005 scale
> 0.01}}
how about this management is compared quantitively with Adding a certain
normal distributed noise R(0,3)(0 is the mean value , 3 is the root mean
square error) to the image,then? Thanks anyway!
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From: Chris B
Subject: Re: How to Add random Noise to the generated Image(Sequence)?
Date: 18 Dec 2005 15:53:28
Message: <43a5cc48$1@news.povray.org>
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"jiangzhijun" <jia### [at] lmars whu edu cn> wrote in message
> "Chris B" <c_b### [at] btconnect com nospam> wrote:
>> camera {location <0,0.5,-2> look_at <0,0.5,0> normal {granite 0.005 scale
>> 0.01}}
> how about this management is compared quantitively with Adding a certain
> normal distributed noise R(0,3)(0 is the mean value , 3 is the root mean
> square error) to the image,then? Thanks anyway!
I think the answer is yes.
I believe you can use more or less any mathematical function for the normal
I've not tried using functions in the camera normal, so you'll need to look
in the documentation under normals and under user defined functions.
A quick google search threw up an example of using a function as a normal at
Hope this helps,
Regards, Chris B.
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