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With the camera, we can change the distance of focale? Is this the angle
into the focale and the objet?
Can we change the pixel of the plane picture of camera?
Thanks for your answers!!!
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scorpmetal nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 2005/03/23 06:03:
> With the camera, we can change the distance of focale? Is this the angle
> into the focale and the objet?
> Can we change the pixel of the plane picture of camera?
What do you mean by that?
> Thanks for your answers!!!
Angle define the angle whose summit is at the camera position and the sides at both
edges of the
rendered image. It's not related to point the camera is looking at.
The default camera have infinite feeld deep.
You can have focal blur, you must define the "aperture", "focal_point" and
aperture determine the bluring, large value = short field of view
focal_point determine the plane of focus. It's a plane perpendicular to the camera at
the given point.
blur_samples determine the quality of the bluring. To low and the image gets grainy,
to large and
your render slows down to a crawl.
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thanks. And the pixels, we can do anything ?
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> thanks. And the pixels, we can do anything ?
Are you talking about image resolution?
If yes, you can set image to say 640 width with the command +w640 and
height to say 400 with +h400 in the command line
If you set the "right" parameter of the camera with the line:
right x*image_width/image_height
your image won't be deformed even if you change w/h ratio
If you are talking about visible pixels at any resolution, try anti aliasing
option with +a in the command line
for furthe information about anti aliasing options look at
http://www.povray.org/documentation/view/3.6.1/223/ section
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"scorpmetal" <sco### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
In reverse order...
> Can we change the pixel of the plane picture of camera?
> Thanks for your answers!!!
I think you mean the focal plane? See Marc's answer above. You can set
height & width, and angle will change what is viewed within the set height
& width.
> With the camera, we can change the distance of focale? Is this the angle
> into the focale and the objet?
Povray doesn't have focal length as such, but you can move the camera
further from, or nearer to the object and then play with the angle to
achieve the same field of view.
If what you're after is the depth compression that you would get from a long
lens on a real camera though, I don't think you can get in Pov, at least
not with the camera. You could simulate it though by putting your entire
scene into a union and scaling that along the camera vector.
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in news:web.4243177b95205ba1a0c272b50@news.povray.org gonzo wrote:
>> With the camera, we can change the distance of focale? Is this the
>> angle into the focale and the objet?
> Povray doesn't have focal length as such, but you can move the camera
> further from, or nearer to the object and then play with the angle to
> achieve the same field of view.
Have to correct you here a bit Gonzo, changing the camera angle is the
equivalent to changing the "focal length" in real photography. Even
this is not completely true, POV-Ray's perspective camera is a pin-hole
camera, so changing the angle in POV is like changing the distance
between the film plane and the pinhole.
Changing the camera angle has the same effects on the image as changing
the focal length with a camera, except for the depth of field, which is
infinite just as in a pinhole camera. One uses the angle to determine
the field of view and the distance to the object for the perspective
(further away, 'flatter' perspective, less 'distortion' near the
The focal blur POV-Ray is set through a few parameters and does not
depend on focal length or aperture.
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ingo <ing### [at] tag povray org> wrote:
> in news:web.4243177b95205ba1a0c272b50@news.povray.org gonzo wrote:
> >> With the camera, we can change the distance of focale? Is this the
> >> angle into the focale and the objet?
> >
> > Povray doesn't have focal length as such, but you can move the camera
> > further from, or nearer to the object and then play with the angle to
> > achieve the same field of view.
> >
> Have to correct you here a bit Gonzo, changing the camera angle is the
> equivalent to changing the "focal length" in real photography. Even
> this is not completely true, POV-Ray's perspective camera is a pin-hole
> camera, so changing the angle in POV is like changing the distance
> between the film plane and the pinhole.
> Changing the camera angle has the same effects on the image as changing
> the focal length with a camera, except for the depth of field, which is
> infinite just as in a pinhole camera. One uses the angle to determine
> the field of view and the distance to the object for the perspective
> (further away, 'flatter' perspective, less 'distortion' near the
> corners).
> The focal blur POV-Ray is set through a few parameters and does not
> depend on focal length or aperture.
> Ingo
Ok. Thanks for all
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ok, I found that I have some success with camera.
I my new question: I want to keep all of measure in pov-ray by mm( or cm).
Where in povray i can do that? Or what is the measure defaut of povray? (
sorry with my poor english)
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scorpmetal <sco### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> I my new question: I want to keep all of measure in pov-ray by mm( or cm).
> Where in povray i can do that? Or what is the measure defaut of povray? (
> sorry with my poor english)
One unit is one unit. If the length of an object is 1.0, then the
length of the object is 1.0. There's nothing else to that.
You can yourself decide what that 1.0 means. Does it mean 1 meter,
1 cm, 1 mm, 1 inch, 1 foot? It's up to you.
You should consistently think about one POV-Ray unit as a certain
length unit (eg. cm) and design everything with that in mind.
You don't tell POV-Ray that 1.0 means 1 cm. You just think it yourself
that way.
#macro N(D)#if(D>99)cylinder{M()#local D=div(D,104);M().5,2pigment{rgb M()}}
N(D)#end#end#macro M()<mod(D,13)-6mod(div(D,13)8)-3,10>#end blob{
N(11117333955)N(4254934330)N(3900569407)N(7382340)N(3358)N(970)}// - Warp -
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ok, I understand.
Now, I want to move my camera ( or my object). Can we move it by one way (
we can define this way by one equation ) ?
Example :
my way : y = x
How we do that?
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