If you're shape is formed like a prism (i.e. you can define it using a
spline), you can use the method described in Mike's Isosurface-Tutorial
at http://www.econym.demon.co.uk/isotut/splines.htm
If you're shape is not all too complicated, you could try to model it
using CSG instead. This works pretty good and will render faster than
the isosurface-method mentioned above.
camera{look_at-y*10location<8,-3,-8>*10}#local a=0;#while(a<999)sphere{
#local _=.01*a-4.99;#local p=a*.01-5;#local c=.01*a-4.995;<sin(p*pi)*5p
*10pow(p,5)*.01>sin(c*c*c*.1)+1pigment{rgb 3}}#local a=a+1;#end
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