POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Need a fiery texture Server Time
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  Need a fiery texture (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Isarl
Subject: Need a fiery texture
Date: 1 May 2004 22:40:00
Message: <web.40945f3f263fdab324b855ae0@news.povray.org>
I'm looking for a good "fire" texture, and I haven't found any in
"textures.inc", and although I haven't looked in any of the other .inc
files, it doesn't look like any of them would contain a good fire texture.
Could somebody please copy & paste a fire texture or let me know where I can
find one?  Thank you.

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From: GreyBeard
Subject: Re: Need a fiery texture
Date: 2 May 2004 15:11:30
Message: <409547e2$1@news.povray.org>
"Isarl" <coo### [at] shawca> wrote in message
> I'm looking for a good "fire" texture, and I haven't found any in
> "textures.inc", and although I haven't looked in any of the other .inc
> files, it doesn't look like any of them would contain a good fire texture.
> Could somebody please copy & paste a fire texture or let me know where I
> find one?  Thank you.
CHeck the POVray resources site, look for Particles101.  Rune did a
beautiful job.


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