> It might be more useful to start your test using POV-Ray's default radiosity
> setting, then make adjustments to key variables to show the difference in
> effect -- similar to what the packaged documentation does, but make it
> simpler. I say this, because when I first started, my radiosity
> explorations first started with default settings.
Actually, in the making I did far more test renderings. But summing up the
material I had to cut down the number of images to use in the tut. I guess
I assumed everybody would start using the default settings (which I never
use) so this would be a unnessesary step for me to show. But you are right,
of the tut. Thanks for the tip.
> Good effort, nontheless. :thumbs up:
Thanks again.
> "Hildur K." <hil### [at] 3dcafemail every1 net> wrote:
> > Posted a new radiosity tutorial on my website.
> > http://www.simnet.is/hildurka/pages/raditut1.htm
> >
> > All comments welcome,
> >
> > Hildur Kolbrun
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