I've a POV-Ray assignment for a 4th year graphics course and so I'm starting
So I've read through the Mac specific documentation. Then I wrote up the
sample tutorail. This one
#include "colors.inc"
background < colour Cyan }
camera {
location <0, 2, -3>
look_at <0, 1, 2>
sphere {
<0, 1, 2>, 2
texture {
pigment {
colour Yellow
light_source { <2, 4, -3> colour White }
So I opened the Render options, changed nothing, then did the render
sample.pov menu option and it brings up the render progress dialog box and
just cycles through the barber tube. It doesn't post any values for the
variables in that progress box nor does anything change in the actual
progress tube.
Any help???
I'm impressed by POV-Ray so far and hope to become a big user of it if I can
get it working.
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