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From: Florian Brucker
Subject: Re: Highlight Effect
Date: 27 Mar 2004 08:15:02
Message: <40657e56@news.povray.org>
> Shame there's no such thing as an object_group equivalent though I 
> suspect that would be computationally hideous. Quite funky though for 
> effects like the sphere in "Sphere" reflects the room but not the people.

You could always use "no_reflection" on the people ("use sth. on sb." 
doesn't sound like nice English to me, is this the right way to say 
it?). They wouldn't show in other reflections either, though.


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From: Christopher James Huff
Subject: Re: Highlight Effect
Date: 27 Mar 2004 11:45:00
Message: <cjameshuff-E98CF6.11452127032004@news.povray.org>
In article <40657e56@news.povray.org>,
 Florian Brucker <tor### [at] torfboldcom> wrote:

> ("use sth. on sb." doesn't sound like nice English to me, is this the 
> right way to say it?).

Well, in this case, the ody's are ing's anyway. In relation to actual, 
real-world ody's, this construction doesn't come up very often...you 
usually do omeing. to omeody, rather than use omeing on omeody. For 
instance, you spray omeody with a hose, not use the hose on omeody. It 
doesn't really have nying. to with the "omeody" part, it's just that the 
"use omeing on" construction can often be ambiguous: "how did you use 
that ing?". In this case, there is no amibiguity, so there's no problem.


Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlinknet>
POV-Ray TAG: <chr### [at] tagpovrayorg>

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From: Florian Brucker
Subject: Re: Highlight Effect
Date: 28 Mar 2004 15:56:15
Message: <40673bef@news.povray.org>
Hey, I'm not really sure I'm understanding what you're trying to tell me ;)

After rereading your post I think I got it - I first tried to look up 
"omeody" in a dictionary. Hehe. Well, sth. and sb. are the abbreviations 
I learned at school. Or is this some kind of dialect/speaking with full 
mouth/whatever? Not easy for a non-native speaker to get from "somebody" 
to "omeody" :)

And yes, normally I'd just use a proper verb, but that was just my 
problem: Which verb should one use with "no_reflection"? Perhaps simply: 
"You can prevent the people from showing up in the reflections by adding 
no_reflection to their object declaration". But that doesn't sound much 
cooler. And it's longer, too :)
Hey, what about "Just no_reflectioniate those buddies"? Goes along the 
same line as some CVS-book I read which announced that "to version" 
would be a valid verb since CVS :)

You know, it's a pitty that we were mainly taught English literature in 
class (Here in Germany that is). So now I can interpret Shakespeare, but 
I'd fail miserably when trying to explain somebody that my washing 
machine is broken... I always thought school should prepare for life (at 
least that's what they told us :), but hey, I'm going to study 
mathematics soon, so it seems it didn't work on me :)


P.S.: fup2 p.off-topic set

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