inhahe wrote:
> i figured out the difference {} problem, the surfaces can't overlap
> apparently if you want to subtract.
> either that or it just doesn't like flat boxes.
IMHO, you have two things to take into account :
first never use objects that have exactly the same coordinates where
using them in CSG : you can never know which one will be considered
visible by POV. Try initializing your Count variable with 0.1, it should
work better.
Second, difference is between two object (at least, it's easier to
understand if you use it that way). Try making a union out of the
objects to remove from the main box, then substract that union from the
main box, that way :
#declare Union_To_Substract = union {
#declare Count=-0.9; //to avoid exact overlap of box side
#while (Count<2) // I'm more used to using < than <=
<Count, -2.1, -29> // -2.1 for the same reason as above
<Count+.01, 2.1, -29>
pigment {color rgb <1,1,0>}
#declare Count = Count + .2; //the stripes of nothing are 0.1 units
//wide, so you have to jump a little
difference {
box { ... }
union {Union_To_Substract}
Does this match your need ?
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