POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Aligning objects Server Time
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  Aligning objects (Message 11 to 11 of 11)  
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From: Stephen in Calgary
Subject: Re: Aligning objects
Date: 6 Jun 2003 19:57:09
Message: <3ee12a55$1@news.povray.org>
Ummm, ... Wow !
Thanks for helping me with this.
Let me digest this for a bit and I'll probably thank-you again.

> // Hi Stephen,
> //
> // here is some more rhombic dodecahedron (r.d.) stuff, now with faces
> // as individual objects, and with macros to put arbitrary objects
> // onto a face. The xy-area mentioned in my last post matches the
> // face, the points with positive z will go to the inside (so face
> // objects should have z<=0), points with negative z will go to the
> // outside (this way objects are attached to a face).
> // The other maco puts objects on the xz-plane onto a face; -y goes
> // to inside, y to outside.
> //
> // Of course an r.d. with attached r.d.'s may itself be attached to
> // an r.d., and so on ...
> //
> //
> //    Sputnik
> //
> //
> // ----------------------------

> // fr### [at] computermuseumfh-kielde
> // ----------------------------
> // finish, textures =====================================================
> #declare Fin =
>   finish {
>     ambient 0.3
>     diffuse 0.5
>     specular .2 roughness .02
>     }
> #declare Wood1 =
>   texture {
>     pigment { wood
>       ramp_wave
>       color_map { [.45 rgb <.95, .90, .55> ]
>                   [.55 rgb <.80, .65, .35> ] }
>       turbulence <0.06, 0.01, 0.06> octaves 1
>       scale 0.05 rotate 87*y translate -0.3*z
>       }
>     finish { Fin }
>     }
> #declare Wood2 =
>   texture {
>     pigment { wood
>       ramp_wave
>       color_map { [ 0 rgb <.75, .45, .2> ]
>                   [.8 rgb <.50, .22, .1> ] }
>       turbulence <0.06, 0.01, 0.06>
>       scale 0.05 rotate 87*y translate -0.3*z
>       }
>     finish { Fin }
>     }
> #declare Test = texture {
>   pigment { image_map { png "test" } // test.png is in include directory
>     translate <-0.5, -0.5, 0>
>     scale <2, sqrt(2), 1>
>     }
>   finish { Fin }
>   }
> // macros and declarations for rhombic dodecahedron =====================
> // macro to put an object on xy-plane onto a face
> // z goes inside, -z goes outside
> #macro Put_xy_onto_face ( Object, Rotation )
>   object { Object translate -z rotate Rotation }
>   #end//macro Put_onto_face
> // macro to put an object on xz-plane onto a face
> // -y goes inside, y goes outside
> #macro Put_xz_onto_face ( Object, Rotation )
>   object { Object translate y rotate Rotation-90*x }
>   #end//macro Put_onto_face
> // macro to create rounded objects for faces
> #macro Face ( Round )
>   #local X = <1-sqrt(3)*Round, 0>;
>   #local Y = <0, (1-sqrt(3)*Round)*sqrt(.5)>;
>   union {
>     sphere   {-X,    Round }
>     cylinder {-X, Y, Round }
>     sphere   { Y,    Round }
>     cylinder { Y, X, Round }
>     sphere   { X,    Round }
>     cylinder { X,-Y, Round }
>     sphere   {-Y,    Round }
>     cylinder {-Y,-X, Round }
>     prism { linear_spline -Round, Round, 5, -X, Y, X, -Y, -X
>       rotate 90*x
>       }
>     translate Round*z
>     // no "}" to allow application of texture etc.
>   #end//macro Face
> // some face objects; scale .96 found by experimentation ...
> #declare Face1 = Face(.03) scale .96
>   texture { Wood1 rotate degrees(atan(sqrt(.5)))*z }
>   }
> #declare Face2 = Face(.03) scale .96
>   texture { Wood2 rotate degrees(atan(sqrt(.5)))*z }
>   }
> #declare Face3 = Face(.2 ) scale 1
>   texture { Wood1 rotate degrees(atan(sqrt(.5)))*z }
>   }
> #declare Face4 = sphere { z, 1 scale <sqrt(.5), .5, .01> texture {
Test } }
> #declare RhomDo1 =
>   union {
>     Put_xy_onto_face ( Face1, <  0, 45, 45> ) // front, lower left
>     Put_xy_onto_face ( Face2, <  0, 45,-45> ) // front, upper left
>     Put_xy_onto_face ( Face1, <  0,-45, 45> ) // front, upper right
>     Put_xy_onto_face ( Face2, <  0,-45,-45> ) // front, lower right
>     Put_xy_onto_face ( Face3, <  0,225,-45> ) // back, lower right
>     Put_xy_onto_face ( Face4, <  0,225, 45> ) // back, upper right
>     Put_xy_onto_face ( Face3, <  0,135,-45> ) // back, upper left
>     Put_xy_onto_face ( Face4, <  0,135, 45> ) // back, lower left
>     Put_xy_onto_face ( Face1, < 90,  0,  0> ) // top
>     Put_xy_onto_face ( Face2, < 90,  0, 90> ) // left
>     Put_xy_onto_face ( Face1, < 90,  0,180> ) // bottom
>     Put_xy_onto_face ( Face2, < 90,  0,-90> ) // right
>     }
> #declare RhomDo2 =
>   union {
>     object { RhomDo1 }
>     Put_xz_onto_face ( object { RhomDo1 translate y }, <  0,-45, 45> )
>     Put_xz_onto_face ( object { RhomDo1 translate y }, <  0,225, 45> )
>     Put_xz_onto_face ( object { RhomDo1 translate y }, <  0,135,-45> )
>     }
> // simple scene with textured rhombic dodecahedrons etc. on plane =======
> object { RhomDo1 scale .5 translate <-1, 0.5, 0> }
> object { RhomDo2 scale .5 translate <0.8, 0.5, 1> }
> #declare Rand = seed(876);
> #declare Snake = RhomDo1;
> #declare I = 0;
> #while (I<15)
>   #declare Snake =
>     union {
>       // get a new RhomDo
>       object { RhomDo1 }
>       // put on one of it's upper faces the snake created so far:
>       Put_xz_onto_face (
>         // get the snake so far (centered around 0)
>         object  { Snake
>           // put onto xz-plane pointing to y
>           translate y },
>           // choose one of the upper fife faces
>           #switch (rand(Rand))
>             #range(0  , .15) <  0, 45,-45> ) #break
>             #range(.15, .3 ) <  0,-45, 45> ) #break
>             #range(.3 , .45) <  0,225, 45> ) #break
>             #range(.45, .6 ) <  0,135,-45> ) #break
>             #else            < 90,  0,  0> )
>             #end//switch
>       }//union
>   #declare I = I+1;
>   #end//while I
> object { Snake translate y scale 0.1 rotate 0*y translate <-0.2,
0, -0.7> }
> plane { y, 0
>   texture {
>     pigment { checker rgb <1, .9, .8>, rgb <.8, .7, .6> }
>     finish { Fin }
>     }
>   }
> light_source { <-1500, 2500, -2000>, color rgb 1 }
> camera { location -10*z look_at 0 angle 20
>   rotate <25, 20, 0> translate <0, 1, 0> }
> // END ==================================================================

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