Le_Forgeron <lef### [at] freefr> wrote:
> Le 05/06/2018 à 07:06, Ivano Da Milano a écrit :
> > "Ivano Da Milano" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> >> Hello everyone.
> >> I recall I used HGPovRay to export .obj files from a PovRay script.
> >> I also heard, back in 2016, there was an ongoing effort to enable "standard"
> >> PovRay to export triangle meshes.
> >> Is this true? And if this is false, how should I get HGPovRay for Linux?
> >>
> >> Thanks for either.
> >
> > P.S.: Sorry, I forgot to mention HGPovRay webpage doesn't have downloads and so
> > available.
> >
> >
> Current hgpovray is on github and bitbucket, using 3.7 as base.
> Hgpovray has never exported .obj files directly.
> It is able to export .stl and .gts files, and provides data access to
> mesh data from SDL.
> Due to drastic changes in official master branch (for 3.8), the
> adaptation need to be done again, and it is happening slowly (and only
> in github).
> Hgpovray is available as sources only (you have to compile it as usual
> povray)
> Everything starts at http://wiki.povray.org/content/User:Le_Forgeron
Thanks for clearing up stuff.
So, let's say I'm gonna compile it, can I use it from the command line like
imagemagick, or I'm restricted to use the language?
I mean, something like:"hgpovray create cube -o cube.stl" and have a cube mesh
in the stl file.
Thanks for either.
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