POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Images are pixelated : Re: Images are pixelated Server Time
19 Jan 2025 18:06:05 EST (-0500)
  Re: Images are pixelated  
From: Alain Martel
Date: 20 Dec 2024 13:50:52
Message: <6765bc8c$1@news.povray.org>
Le 2024-12-20 à 12:42, Kenneth a écrit :
> "Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
>> "gulino" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
>>> I didn't do anything, I downloaded povray yesterday and it was already
>>> like this when I tested the example models. The resolution is 512 x 384, is
>>> this normal?
>>> Can I change this?
>> if it's on Windows, you have the drop-down menu to select the resolution and
>> stock anti-aliasing settings.
> Yes, and the drop-down menu has all of the various resolutions that are included
> in a file called 'quickres.inc'. You can add to or change those default
> resolutions by editing that file. If it is not already open in your POV-ray
> editor window in the Windows GUI, go to the 'Tools' tab at the top and select
> 'Edit resolution INI file.' That will open quickres.ini. Then you can write-in
> other resolutions.
> For example, the following is, I think, one of the default resolution blocks
> there:
> [512x384]
> Width=512
> Height=384
> Antialias=On
> Antialias_Threshold=0.3
> You can write a new one:
> [1920X1080 widescreen]
> Width=1920
> Height=1080
> ;Antialias=On
> ;Antialias_Threshold=0.3
> Then the drop-down resolution menu will include that for your later use. (The
> semicolons can be used to commment-out those particular entries, just like using
> double-slashes // for comments in a scene file.)
> My own quickres.ini file is chock-full of customized entries!
Mine have at least double the number of entries of the default one, 
including wide screen, double screen, double wide, triple screen and 
triple wide options.

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