Documentation POVRay 2.4.5 :
parametric {
function { FUNCTION_ITEMS },
function { FUNCTION_ITEMS },
function { FUNCTION_ITEMS }
<u1,v1>, <u2,v2>
I run into the following problem : how to introduce in the three
functions f(x), g(y) and h(z), a parameter that also depends
on u and v ?
For exemple :
parametric {
function { sin(u)*cos(v)*K }
function { sin(u)*sin(v)*K }
function { cos(u)/K }
with K = k*sin(2*u)*sin(nv)
'k' and 'n' are constants.
I have to add the complete calculation of the parameter 'K' in the three
functions ?
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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