Le 2022-03-05 à 04:27, kurtz le pirate a écrit :
> On 04/03/2022 19:55, Bald Eagle wrote:
>> If you name all of your files in sequential numerical order, you can use the
>> animation feature, and use the frame number or the clock value to choose the
>> right file. Just concatenate everything into a string and use that for the
>> filename.
> As Bill say, animation feature is a key.
> -> Name yours file sequential : File1.inc, File2.inc, ... File1500.inc
> -> In your SDL code, build the file name string :
> #declare fileName = concat("File",str(frame_number,0,0),".inc");
> -> Include the file :
> #include fileName
> -> Of corse, turn on animation and set
> Initial_Frame=1 and Final_Frame=1500
In this case, it's usually better to use constant file name length. So...
#declare fileName = concat("File",str(frame_number,-4,0),".inc");
The -4 means at least four digits and left padded with zeros.
The zero mean no decimal part.
File0001.inc, File0002.inc, ... File1500.inc
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