Le 18-03-08 à 03:38, mathzhaoliang a écrit :
> Stephen <mca### [at] aolcom> wrote:
>> On 08/03/2018 07:51, Thomas de Groot wrote:
>>> Where the grout is concerned, you could use a normal with your texture.
>>> Example:
>> And the same for the reflective tiles.
>> But with a different value of micro normals and try bumps
>> --
>> Regards
>> Stephen
> I'm not very clear of the difference between "bump" and "bozo", they look like
> almost the same... what's wrong with using "bozo" here?
They are basically the same.
bumps use a grey scale.
bozo, used as a pigment, have a default colour map.
When used as a normal, they are exactly the same thing.
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