Le 18-03-08 à 02:21, mathzhaoliang a écrit :
> This is my work here:
> https://github.com/zemora/penrose_rubic/blob/master/penrose.png?raw=true
> I'm not very satified with it because I think it's not as realistic as I want. I
> tried to reproduce the image here:
> http://scorpius.github.io/large/pov-3puzzles.jpg
> but my work is still not as good as there. One problem may be with the "grout",
> I used plain White plane and
> { ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.6 specular 0.6 roughness 0.1}
> (the author of that image used a natural bump map image)
> But it's too hard for me to make the tile rounded at the edges and make the
> grouts look real
> And some other problem may be with my lights, finish of the tiles, etc.
> The souce file is on github:
> https://github.com/zemora/penrose_rubic
> I hope you could help me improve it!
My take :
Add some pattern to that plane, like granite or bumps scalled smapp.
You can also add some normals. I'd go with granite of agate, maybe bumps
scalled small.
To really go all the way, you can replace that plane with an isosurface
using a granite or bumps based function. Here also, you can add some
pattern to make it more interesting.
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