POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : Pycao, python modeller for povray, v.0.9 Server Time
21 Dec 2024 11:49:49 EST (-0500)
  Pycao, python modeller for povray, v.0.9 (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: lelama
Subject: Pycao, python modeller for povray, v.0.9
Date: 23 Aug 2016 19:20:00
Message: <web.57bcd7455f8505a87a63dc9f0@news.povray.org>
Dear all,

Pycao is a python modeller, to describe a 3D-scene using the python language. It
brings many simplifying paradigms ( carrying objects in boxes, genealogy system,
compact mathematical notations, markers ... ). Then you can see your 3d objects
using povray as a plugin.

It is free software (gpl v3.0). Feel free to use it :-)

In short, I wanted to draw parametric models of some bikes I want to build. Cad
software was awfully too complex or too expensive. Then I started to write
macros for the Blender python API. I switched to Povray thanks to the excellent
documentation of Povray. And little amelioration after little amelioration, this
became a piece of software. I hope you will like it.

The documentation is on my web page

and the source code on github (project pycao)

Any comments are of course welcome.

Thank you for your attention,

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