I would really like this to make it to the news section. Two-hour Povray movies
are not produced every day... :
We have opened up our website www.chaos-math.org where you can watch a
two-hour movie made practically entirely in Povray.
It explains the subject of chaos in dynamical systems in a simple way.
The film uses some objects of notorious Povray users (with their permission!)
See the list on the 'Thank You' page of the website.
From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Two hour Povray movie
Date: 22 Sep 2013 11:21:12
Message: <523f0ae8@news.povray.org>
On 22/09/2013 12:54 PM, Jos leys wrote:
> I would really like this to make it to the news section. Two-hour Povray movies> are not produced every day...
In my opinion it certainly deserves a link to it, on the front page.
Just out of interest how long did it take to render and on what hardware?
Stephen <mca### [at] aolcom> wrote:
> In my opinion it certainly deserves a link to it, on the front page.> Just out of interest how long did it take to render and on what hardware?>>> --> Regards> Stephen
The rendering was done on a number of computers at a university. Nothing fancy :
the work was divided manually over the different machines. The final renders of
close to 180,000 individual images was done in a total of about four weeks (but
the computers did not run continuously during all that time.
From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Two hour Povray movie
Date: 23 Sep 2013 07:54:59
Message: <52402c13$1@news.povray.org>
It *should be* prominently on the news section indeed. Your previous
hints have not been followed (yet)...
An excellent introduction into a fascinating world.
On 22-9-2013 13:54, Jos leys wrote:
> I would really like this to make it to the news section. Two-hour Povray movies> are not produced every day... :