I created a 3 minutes HD music video called "Beats From Space"
which was rendered completely with POV-Ray.
It is a flight through surrealistic, meditative landscapes and outer space,
filled with fractal forms and a Death Star like Steel Moon made from
thousands of metallic pipes. Objects were created by self-written
geometry generators in the POV-Ray scripting language and Java.
The background music is my electronic track "Voco Moon",
a slow but intense hammering beat that underlines the cosmic atmosphere.
Best regards,
Vincent Stahl
multimedia artist
Stuttgart, Germany
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On 7-7-2013 15:58, William F Pokorny wrote:
> On 07/05/2013 12:46 AM, Vincent Stahl wrote:
>> I created a 3 minutes HD music video called "Beats From Space"
>> which was rendered completely with POV-Ray.
>> http://www.vincentstahl.com/movie
> Cool. I really like the piano/keyboard at about 2:30.
> Bill P.
<grin> I noted that piano too.
I liked the video, except maybe for some lack of consistency in the
storyboard. The context between the different scenes is not really
obvious and seems to tell different stories. While one can see the video
as a string of dream-like scenes, otoh there is also clearly a story
line with a beginning and an end (the spaceship sequence). I am missing
the link between that and the planetoid's life, except from the title
which seems to imply some music broadcasting from spaceship to
planetoid. However, this is not made really clear in the sequences. Just
my two cents of course.
I hate to have to say this as you have spent a huge amount of time
creating this video but I believe comments should not only be about
Ooh's and Aah's ;-)
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