POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.news-submissions : Can I use photos and change the photos into movement and a drawing? Server Time
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  Can I use photos and change the photos into movement and a drawing? (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: kay
Subject: Can I use photos and change the photos into movement and a drawing?
Date: 15 Jul 2012 05:05:01
Message: <web.5002869b571e54b19aa8279b0@news.povray.org>
I am looking at this program, I am trying to do drawings for a children story
about my oxen.  I want to use the photos of my oxen. I want to change those
pictures into 3D drawing, I need to change the way they are standing, laying or
running. I want the drawing to look like them in color and features. Be able to
put the oxen in the water swimming, jumping in to the water.  Then also add a
photo with a person changed into a drawing. Be able to add an changes scenes
around them. Then add the colors.  Can this be done with your program.  I read

and change them.

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From: James Holsenback
Subject: Re: Can I use photos and change the photos into movement and a drawing?
Date: 15 Jul 2012 06:19:25
Message: <5002992d@news.povray.org>
On 07/15/2012 05:00 AM, kay wrote:
> I am looking at this program, I am trying to do drawings for a children story
> about my oxen.  I want to use the photos of my oxen. I want to change those
> pictures into 3D drawing, I need to change the way they are standing, laying or
> running. I want the drawing to look like them in color and features. Be able to
> put the oxen in the water swimming, jumping in to the water.  Then also add a
> photo with a person changed into a drawing. Be able to add an changes scenes
> around them. Then add the colors.  Can this be done with your program.  I read

> and change them.
might get an answer over in povray.general, or povray.newusers

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Can I use photos and change the photos into movement and a drawing?
Date: 15 Jul 2012 07:07:28
Message: <5002a470@news.povray.org>
On 15-7-2012 11:00, kay wrote:
> I am looking at this program, I am trying to do drawings for a children story
> about my oxen.  I want to use the photos of my oxen. I want to change those
> pictures into 3D drawing, I need to change the way they are standing, laying or
> running. I want the drawing to look like them in color and features. Be able to
> put the oxen in the water swimming, jumping in to the water.  Then also add a
> photo with a person changed into a drawing. Be able to add an changes scenes
> around them. Then add the colors.  Can this be done with your program.  I read

> and change them.
Have a look at this program: http://www.archipelis.com/ It does what you 
want to do


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